Which FPS Takes the Most Aiming Skill

Which FPS do you guys think takes the most skill as far as aiming goes, and not including any other aspects of the gameplay.

Personally I would say counterstrike 1.6 because of the player's need to control spread while still being able to instantly headshot people if they aim and time their shots correctly.
com_maxfps 43 takes most im quite sure
71fps - colt /luger
76 fps - smg , but im using com_maxfps 60 coz my gf sux :/
You're girlfriend sucks? :O
in his case: girlfriend = computer
u stand correct sir
The one with the strongest opponents.
Actually that seems to be the truth, you just have to hit the hitboxes which seems to be nearly the same in any game. Well, the damage is another factor but if you have too strong enemies you probably won't even be able to hit 'em before they kill you e.g. is one of those enemies Vanhaomena.
You've gotta be joking. Becoming/Being a good aimer in CS ain't that hard : p
Just because CS is basically all aim and nothing else doesn't mean it requires more skill than any other FPS.
Dunno really about aiming, you can spray around and so on. Also you have to have good tactics + reflexes.
fine, and with you?
good good mate, what team you in atm?
ET needs precise aiming...not spray-shooting like cs and cod (can exclude cod and cod2).

that guy said 'FPS' (First Person Shooter) not 'fps' (frames per second) -___-
gotta say, some of the above guys is veri goot in ingrish.
Not to glorify CS but I think it's as challenging as ET at least in some aspects, especially the fact that there's really no room for error and even tho ET needs precision aswell it's not as crucial as in CS. You can still kill people in ET by having an off aim for a split second, in CS that's pretty much game over.
There's also a lot of talk about the weapon spray in CS and that you can kill an opponent by aiming on his toes.. Most people don't know that this is actually a HLTV bug. The real pro's usually just aim at the cheast/head and control the recoil which is also an art in itself.. Heaton is famous for this afaik...

here's an exmple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTM15uvHj7g&feature=related
well, even i say cs does needs a bit of aiming but it again comes to camp&spray thing. :)

the worst is cod4..totally no-aim, just spray like mad (except sniping)

All other fps games are easy as fuck. It's so fucking funny when COD, CS idiots think how skilled they are :DDDDDDD
I can completely agree with CS but CoD does require some skill, definitely not aiming though
Neither CS nor COD requies any skill tbh. It's all about experience, you have to know where to throw the nades and where to camp. That's it.
And thusands of people playing those piece of crap.
Once you know the maps and how people play them, you can always rack up several kills on CSS and COD.

Not with ET though.
et? no spread luck 1shot headshots here soo....
et for sure
Quakes for aiming + perhaps ET overall (although the aiming isn't as hard as some games, the skill level is definitely higher due to the other factors such as spawntime).
Most of the time you get shot through walls in 1.6
ET for tracking and cod for reflexes/snapping
imo ET is also very reflex based. First hit gives you the biggest possibility to win the duel if you're both equally skilled aimwise.
If you put it like this, then yes, every fps is "reflex based". If you're both equally skilled aimwise and you have exact the same amount of hp isn't it quite obvious that the one who starts shooting first wins. ofc excluding luck.

In ET its definitely tracking>reflexes. Even when you get to shoot first if you miss half or all and the other guy lands every bullet on you, you lose.
Talking with my friend about which one of the games (quake or ET in this case)requires more gamesense. Your opinions?!?

Havent really played more quake than 3-4 games so can't say much about it though!
Quake most deffo for pure aim.

I think ET does actually have the most skill based aim system. You really have to control your gun where-as in CoD/CS. CS:S - You can sort of rely on luck/spray.
cs for sure.. and ppl talking about cs 1.6 is ONLY about aim are stupid :> ofc you need aim to make the frags but also good go's etc
gotta say quake
some1 remake et without spread
ET Promod did exactly that. It wasn't suitable for competition because the weapons became ridiculous, but with some tweaks it could've been orgastic.
but he's right, the spray is really annoying cuz you cant control it :S
et would be so much better

weapons could have less damage for example.
quake 3/live for sure
+1 polish friend
quake and et
ET is shit. Quake is the best.
quake requires more aiming skill then et for sure.
cs is just random headshots
I dont like the css aiming system, pretty hard to get used to it when youve played et for years.. so I'd say css.. cod4 e.g. is a lot easier for me..

edit: dont really think that css needs that much precise aiming, you just need to know where to hit the enemy... hate it
HoN also LoL
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