The Walking Dead Season 1.


The Walking Dead just started few weeks ago but the first Season is already ended. I have to tell you I hate comic-books, and every movie which made of it, altho it's a pretty decent show.
Last episode of season 1 was disappointing, I expected like they'll reveal how this sickness started and why etc, but instead of that they saved all the annoying characters. Seriously, women can't act, period. Rick's wife has such a stupid a stupid face I could kick into it so FUCKING hard.

Actually I am happy that Darabont kicked all of the writers, hope the freelancers will do better job for the 2nd season.

Your opinions?
thnx, u spoiled it:<
How many episodes are there in the first season? :o
wtf, then i already saw it :/
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oh didnt knew it was the last episode of the season :D
they made the first season short just to check if it is any good and if ppl likes it. Second one would be longer i assume.
Dunno why it gets so hyped. Really mediocre at best.
didnt see it get hyped tbh
Comic-book nerds overhyping it.
I really like it. I thought it would be another stupid zombie series but that one is really nice. and idd about the rick's wife, I hate her from the bottom of my heart, the blondes are terrible actress too. Rick could be more massive but still it's a rly nice show.
A better job? The first series was actually mindblowing!!!! Loved every single episode and i reckon the red neck hick who cut his hand off led the zombies to the camp in the mountain!
i downloaded the first 2 episodes yesterday,i will watch it soon
but zombies flicks are always amazing for me, always loved them
I likelikelike it, too bad the 1st season is so short :/
The first episode was really great and then it got progressively more tiresom & predictable.

The most painfully boring bit has to be that girl spending about 5 minutes over her sister getting turned - hmm I wonder what's gonna happen here?!?!?!

butchji be right, don't believe the hype.
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