Teemo build LoL

Hi guys I need some advice about the character I'm currently playing in Leauge of Legends, most people will prefer to play Teemo as heavy DPS as possible but I think AP will do the trick because his Blinding dart is very powerfull. The build I'm playing with is as follows:

- Mejai's soulstealer
- Boots of Swiftness
- Lich Bane
- Rod of Ages
- Zhonya's Ring
- Rylai's scepter (if any time left to get this item)
This is also the sequence I use.

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Inb4 LoL whine
delete pic and then we'll talk
no, i don't know the game
fucking shit LoL and WoW
both nerd games
play hon , lol is for fags
teemo noob char
i played over 100 games with teemo

come again?
;D, teemo is a sad char, I can give my opinion.

problem officer?
build speed speed dmg cricital speed, np
a tower has not been denied
omg no1 in LoL denies creeps
oh.. wait .. nvm ..
lich bane sux on teemo

if you want AP you still need attack speed cause it helps with farming and the poison

get guinsoos rageblade/malady first, sorcs boots, rylais, Zhonya's Ring

you can change rylais also with frozen mallet

and mejais should be bought only when you know you can keep up the stacks
boots depends on enemies... nerd
Annie & PedoTibbers FTW!! :)
depends on your team. if you dont have any ap go yourself as ap, if you dont have ad go yourself ad, if u have both go hybrid, do a mejai and trinity force, bloodthirsts and malady. boots always attack speed : )
dps+little ap like rageblade/ring
this has to be the worst build ever

not saying i never thought about AP teemo but this is just terrible

edit : I've logged over 100 games with Teemo and I assure you, AP is not the way to go
u just dont put nice landmines ahah
Attackspeed for teemo imo. ^^ but then again - I played him only once.
dump teemo, get anivia or malphite or olaf
Green_Clon best Anivia ever :X
Just bought her, still suck with her hahaha :D
Though I'm pretty good with malph and olaf
She is very hard to play I assume. :X Good luck with that owner-bird :D
just try this ( my item sequence for teemo )

dorans blade +hp potion
berserkers greaves
madreds bloodrazor
frozen mallet
sword of divinity
starks fervor
I'll give it a shot bro, bedankt

E: What about:
- Mejai's soulstealer
- Nashor's Tooth
- Frozen Heart
- Zhonya's Ring
- Phantom Dancer

So, it's a sort of hybrid build.

EE: Specifications:
- 95% attack speed
- 96 attack damage
- 40% critical chance
- 355 ability power
- 40% cooldown reduction
you would be doing ok damage, but you have no survivability

with the frozen mallet you get 1000+ hp, and with the bloodthirster you get some lifesteal ( up to 25 as you know )

fact is, I see teemo as a pure dps champion with a nice toxic bonus ( 75 a shot ) and with good scouting / slowing mines

you see him as a hybrid dps champion with epic killer mines, I'm not sure which one is best but I've had most succes with my build ( tried something along the lines of yours in the past already )
Doesn't matter what you build when i roll brolaf!
i never seen ap teemo rollin' the enemy team
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