Costume party

So here's my problem. My friend is making a party but he came up with this idea of a theme party. As I know him for really long time I know the party will end up with some people getting hurt/throwing up anyway and that the idea is utterly stupid. To add more bullshit to this the theme is 'murder' which kinda limits the options (either you're the corpse or the guy 'makes' corpses -.-).

My question is: what costume should I get? I really have no idea :p Also please remember it can't be too fancy since it's most likely gonna get at least partially destroyed :p
means you're gay
weak comeback there bro ;)
no need to make strong comeback for weak enemy, right?
even weaker :p just let it go man
He got you there.
Squall's costume

image: squall

as if id get this pants on pff :p
Hitman: Cheap suit, leather gloves, white shirt and red tie.

Rapist: Thick glasses, mustache, trench coat, other clothes optional.

Pathologist: You know the drill.
i dont think i like this guy enough to shave my head bald :D
Just comb your hair back. I was thinking of Hitman in a more general way, although the description fits the video game series just as well.

Or go as a terrorist, your mom should have one or two spare bed sheets somewhere.
not living with my parents :p
Then maybe you have some... You know what I mean. Just get them from somewhere.
yup, hitman is a nice idea :) will have to buy red tie (and a gun!xd) only. Still wondering how uncomfortable will it be during the party :p
ku klux klan, best for pretty much any fancy dress (except those with "controversial" theme)
Dress up as somebody from the board game "Clue" and get some friends to dress up as the other characters. :D

image: clue-game
pretty cool idea imo

is that really you in your profile? looks very "urban" and cool ;)
guess its one of your photographs at least
dont think the game is that known in poland :p
clouth yourself as "Netherlandsfrop" and make all your friends get muted
Go as Poland Robaciek
image: wolf-costume-N-AC937

i have one, and it doesnt matter what the occasion is, always works, no jokes

just go as captian moustache
go as hitler 8)
get a meatcap

someone from one piece

girl_ schoolgirl :)
go as a killerbabe XD
ghost / kkk ? :3 2 in 1
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