r_ignorehwgamma 0

Is it normal that whatever brightness i try it never beats playing with r_ignorehwgamma 1? I'd like to play with 0 because for some reason i like the way it looks more..

but what brightness settings look good on it? because using r_gamma 3 is hopeless..
says the self called config god
with r_ignorehwgamma 1 :p

but sick of playing with it :D

tried many but can't really get it to be as good as my r_ignorehwgamma 1 config :p)

idk if u even understand what i meant :p

I can't explain xD
you mean it gets to dark in places?
No, not really like too dark, I just have the feeling on ignorehwgamma everything looks better, like walls don't look so flat

I guess the word that describes it best is shallow/superficial :p
(url) [img523.imageshack.us]

That's like what I meant :p it looks different than anything u can achieve with ignorehwgamma 1 :p
links dead :)
yeah thats kinda the thing with ignorehwgamma 0, because then it depends on your monitors configuration etc.

if i remember correctly i have:
ignorehwgamma 0
overbrightbits 0
mapoverbrightbits 3
gamma 3
uhu well I want to use the quality settings I got right now (http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/3364/20090619185442supplydep.jpg) but I'd like to play with the brighness in ignorehwgamma 0 because somehow i always preferred it but i never got the same good "visibility" :p
looks ok :-)

I'll try those settings :-p

That's like what I meant :p it looks different than anything u can achieve with ignorehwgamma 1 :p
yep, ignorehwgamma 1 looks and feels weird for me.
so ive been playing with 0 since ages.
too bright ....
lower the gamma to 2
overbrightbits 1
mapoverbrightbits 3

atleast works fine with my old skreen
Gonno try, thanks!!
r_ignorehwgamma "0"
r_gamma "0.85"
r_intensity "1"
r_mapoverbrightbits "2"
r_overbrightbits "1"
r_subdivisions "1"

the best quality :)
r_ignorehwgamma "0"
r_gamma "2"
r_intensity "1"
r_mapoverbrightbits "2"
r_overbrightbits "0"

if i remember right
thx, that one is pretty nice :-)
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