Flash effect and [img]

Well i wonder if there is some way to create a effect in flash that u can have in a [img] code, i thought about a gif but it drains quality dosnt it?

Was thinking about making a whole black picture which fades into another picture

The image is for _this_ site, and i want it to be something different. So any help you could give would be highly appriciated!
It depends about the settings, but you can make it look good and smooth. It doesn't look so good if it takes ages to load or runs slow for first loop.

Just put it on site as .swf or do you mean that you would use it on _this_ site?
i mean in _this_ very site :P
Well, when exporting the "movie", don't resize it or fiddle with the quality.
Well so i should make the effect in flash and then put it into ps and save as gif? im kinda new into flash/gif stuff
No, you can export it directly from flash to gif. But you will soon realize that the size is _huge_ when giffed and so you end up lowering the quality from original flash.
I other words i should start thinking of something else then hehe
Well, not necessarily. Are you going to use animation / drawings or real pictures? And if the pictures are small enough it isn't necessarily a problem.

Try the settings, you get .gif out just by export movie---> save as .gif---> voila. There are those settings on some point, can't remember where. Or were they there when importing pictures to the library.
Ok will try, thanks for your time :)
Np, it's not like I got anything else to do anyway :D

Pm@qnet if you got any questions, I am not pro or anything, just been husling with it for few times.
Haha :) will do!
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