yo 2nd hdd help

hey need help!

When i add a 2nd Internal HDD to my PC, connecting it before my PC is on, my PC wont reach the login window, just stays on a black screen.

When i connect the HDD when im logged into my PC, it forces my PC to 'Lag'. Its weird.

I need the 2nd HDD to save alot of files before i format. Any help?

It's a long shot, but I'm guessing your PSU isn't powerful enough.
Did you plug it in while your PC was on? Or did I missunderstand something.
Ye, as my pc wont even reach the login phase if i connect it when its off...
Don't do it again :)

Go to the bios-setup when starting it when you have added the second one, check that it boots from the right drive.
Ok ill try now, thanks
make sure the second one is set as slave (u usually have a little jumper on the drive itself to do so) .. otherwise that could be the reason why pc doesnt start up
if you got an ide hdd you maybe have to move the jumper to the "slave place"
if its an sata hdd you dont need this if im right
no idea, im not that much into pc stuff :) just an idea what could be wrong
Yah, thats only for IDE drives, not modern SATA drives, my guess, as Thomm said, is its trying to boot to the second drive that he is putting in when it needs to boot from the original drive.
Ye, could be the solution
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