Two questions about FPS

How to reach best possible FPS with your computer?
What kind of gfx you guys would prefer if your pc is really shitty?

Also I'm using Gamebooster but it's not really a big help.

random chick
image: pic0998
rmode 3 and hf.
Tell your parents to stop drinking so much and ask to have a new PC for Christmas
oh my god! Who is that girl? :D
brassi pakko olla xD
Portugalissa kun olen niin täällä on paljon brasilialaisia. Täytyy sanoa, että ovat aika pommeja. Pääsin tutustuman lähemminkin :D
Ai katos poikaa tuurilla mennää; ) kerro että pelaat ET:tä nii pääset toiselle lasilliselle :D:D:D
gtx260 works here
tbh, it doesnt make that much of a difference: )
- turn all your gfx card driver settings to "power" instead of "quality"-mode.

- clean your registry and defrag your hard disks...try to make a clean setup of et or least remove everything you dont need.

-make sure that your gfx card and processors have a good temperature + that your fans are working to cool everything down.

- try to change your cfg in a way that it will work good with your specs (not too high quality settings)

- make sure your processors aint damaged through overclocking or whatever...overclocking can be a good thing, but sometimes it just kills your hardware.

- remove everything unneccessary from your harddrives.

other options:

- buy a new pc.

- turn off your wallhack...steals too much fps.
just update your drivers.
Buy hd5970, ET only runs smooth on this.
nVIDIA 240GT working fine for me
quit hack <3
Remove that gamebooster. It's useless. Instead clean up your computer of useless startup processes and system services (and any and all malware obviously). Also your processor is probably quite weak, Sempron is an entry-level budget-class processor brand I believe.

Graphics card doesn't mean shit for ET, as long as it has enough kick and memory to handle a high enough resolution (ie. not much, as the official system requirements need like a 64MB card). Processor does.
Newest GameBooster (2.0) helps a little I heard.
Actually that info at my profile is incorrect. Atm my processor is AMD Athlon 4600+ 2.40 Ghz.
Could be that you have useless stuff bogging down your system. The computer I set up for my brother to play ET on has AMD Athlon 5500 dual-core @ 2.80GHz or so, and it runs ET at stable 125 in every competition map. Might have to do with it having Arch Linux on it, though.
Well my C-Drive is 287 GT and there is 188 GT free space. Also cause of gamebooster, I should have other useless stuff shutted down.

Mistähän toi mun fps putoilu oikee voi sit johtua :o
All @ high graphics settings and 125 fps stable !
asc pro
for et u need a strong cpu, cause q3 need much power of ur cpu not of the gpu
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