Weekend (NL,UK,GER)
9 Dec 2010, 21:58
Hi what are the plans for the weekend?
For me getting drunk
For me getting drunk
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
as usual
saturday im taking someone out for dinner and will hit the club later that night :PpPpPpP
My nick was either Miika[FIN] or WINDIR.NO
Saturday: - Missus here
Sunday: - Missus here (with possible wow/going out @ night :D?)
Monday: - Doing work, then getting drunk for mates' 21st.
Saturday: Doing stuff for university, possibly getting drunk
Sunday: Doing stuff for university (without hangover, that is)/Chilling
Saturday: Christmas party, then get wasted.
Sunday: Be glad test is over, get wasted.
Saturday: party/going out, drunky drunk
Sunday: hangover, gym, watching movies n stuff like that
saturday: party hard
sunday: huge hangover and will have a date in the evening.
Saturday: work from 12.00 till 20.00, then hang out at friends place
Sunday: Going to gf's house, spend day there/in city centre.