gr8-Productions warsow movie trailer

SNP from team-gr8 made an awesome awesome trailer for his upcoming movie "First Contact".

You can grab it from here
dling for fun :)

edit: warsow gfx ownz like shit!
damn warsow is the shit, why are people playing warsow if they can play q3 for free, too
warsow is smaller to download i guess..
Thats why we all play wolfenstein instead of return to castle wolfenstein
Warsow sucks lol... First time I see it, and I dont need to see more.

What's the song's name?
the game looks cool imo but its just a q3 ripoff, nice trailer but trailers are useless.
trailers are not useless.more ppl will download the final movie now.i am sure about that.more ppl don't even what is warsow...
looked good, nice sync
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