Stupid Americans
10 Dec 2010, 01:35
And i thought that the Dutchies where stupid but this is MUCH MUCH MUCH STUPIDIO!
MOSQUE AN ANIMAL?...............I laugh my ass off!
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Nederlanders zijn slimmer dan dit..............
fact is americans got a way lower level (normal citizens lets say, normal street ppl) general culture knowledge than europeans.
pls when i was in the usa they asked me if i could go to uk by car.
Most people in the US live and die without having left North America—so most of what goes on overseas has no real effect on them (that they can observe directly), thus why care about it? Compared to Europe, where you've got lots of countries that border each-other, and need to have close relations in order to prosper (not to mention complicated relations that go way back, with long histories of alliances and wars).
There are a lot more people working dead-end jobs that require no real knowledge of external cultures in the US than there are people working jobs that require any real education.
It may not effect their lives, but think of the war for example.
Most Americans support it, while they don't even know where they're sending their troops to... Yet they're already deciding where to go next.
Meanwhile thousands of people are getting killed, some of them innocent, in a country they can't even remotely pinpoint on a map.
Everyone's happy with the president, he's the right man for the right job, no bother to try and fix what isn't broken.
We voted for him to be on the EU. They can distribute places among them as they wish, that's how European politics work...
in his retardedness he actually said the truth ;(<
dunno if many of you will watch this(bad quality + canadian infos) but i find it hilarious :D
pebe on 28/11/10, 18:11:25
no wonder you are retarded
flR on 28/11/10, 18:11:34
slac disallows retards using it :O)
Average US knowledge seems low but they also have fucking brillants scientists