Maxpackets issues

I have some issues with ET that has recently arised.
About every 30 seconds or so I kind of lag out. My game freeze, it doesn't register my movement or shooting. However, I can see my HP drop if I'm getting shot at and I can see the clocks count down. When the freeze is over I get warped to the place I would've been on if I hadn't lagged.

I don't know if it's ET or my connection as I don't really play any other games online.

I tried to set my maxpackets to 40 instead of 100 but the freezes didn't stop anyway.

Any help would be nice :O)
blubb fo sho
In the very first incarnation of oChaos we had a server that did that. Confused the hell out of the enemies, because you could play normally when it was lagged, it just didn't update on the screen. So you could remember where people were and shoot them while they were going 'omglag'. Obviously wasn't ideal and couldn't use it for officials though :<
Very helpful. Thanks mate.
format fo sho
Sounds like some wireless internet modem
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