fake defragment malware

Somehow i got this fake defragment malware on my computer. I dont really know what it is or what it is called. Basicly it makes fake critical errors and runs fake defragment with fake result that says mostly that my laptop will explode any second unless i pay for some crappy program.

More info about the fake defrag http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2371457,00.asp

I got some troubles to get rid of it. So far i've tried to run f-secure virus scan and some random virus detectors that i found from google. Now i've come across with this PC health advisor. Does anyone know the program? how good it detects malware?

Or u know any other way to get rid of this fake defragment stuff? :F

i suck with computers and i have been trying to delete this shit for about 2h and its really getting on my nerves.. o_o
revenge of the aimbot ..
nice to hear new jokes
use palehook
try ccleaner. Helped me once.
tais auttaa, kiitti :)
i'll leave to last option. too many pictures n stuff, dont want to lose them :/
back up then format?
guess i'll have to do it if ccleaner doesnt help
run ccleaner and after that superantispyware
dude just format
if you have this shit you obviously could and probably do have loads of other shit that just doesnt show itself so obviously.
or can you not access your files?
yes i can acces the files. i'd just save so much time if i could solve this some other way..
As i said, the fact that you have this means that you downloaded some infected stuff/visited some malicious site. If you did it is highly likely that this isnt the only thing that came with it, your pc is prolly infected with all kinds of spyware. Even if you managed to remove this virus i would strongly recommend you to format, unless youre keen on having your passwords stolen etc.
yeah i guess i'll have to do it :F thx anyways..
Thats how you get them off:
image: igqiz
cheaters deserve to get hacked
i play on same level with or without slac
but still u cheated on a public server
looks promising, i'll give it a try :)
hmh, it disappeared after ccleaner and this malwarebytes didnt find any more software so i guess i won :> yay, thx! :)
A friend had the same shit. Download the trial version of Norton Internet Security. It removed the shit.
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