bakc frmo teh culb

hi im bakc frmo teh culb!!!

it was a lot of fun tonight and now im back home!
What did you do tonight @ aLL xfire people?

just to fulfill .Arg0n!s wishes <33333333
Spent all evening alone in my room listening to music and browsing the internet. Typical Saturday night for me.

Some booze would have been nice but even though I'm 21 I still can't get served drink anywhere. Y'know I might just accept the governments fucking ID card one of these days just so I can buy some fucking drink.
unlucky mate, im 18 and have only been asked for id once in like 18 and they still let me in anyway :P check profile for my baby face good looks (rofl) :D
saw Adam F @ live, was massive , thnx :)
met a chick, tried to fuck her, didnt succeed. :(!
gl next time :p
was boozing!!! :)
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