Choppy mouse movement

While playing ET I occasionally have some weird mouselags, mouse movement is really jerky and sometimes it may move really fast for minimal time (feels like mouseaccel is turned on for 0.1 seconds or so) I first thought its correlated with fps-drops but I capped my fps to 71 and still experienced this shit jerky movement. I think setting r_finish and m_filter both to "1" helped a bit, might be placebo though. I was wondering if anyone else has similar problems.

Only mouse-related drivers I have installed are Razer DA firmware and mouseaccel remover for Win7 (which is shittest OS I have ever experienced btw)

format or vid_restart bug
[13:29:28] * Aero`Robaciek is now known as Robaciek
[13:29:50] * [CB]Killerboy is now known as Aero`Killerboy

and the day after they killed the lion :(
Lion lived his short life as a savage beast.

The man lived his lengthy life as a PUSSY
is your r_displayrefresh properly set? & did you enable all CPUs?
welcome to my world
liika ES saa kädet tärisemää
l0l mousedrivers
l0l bad aimer
yeah, i wonder how you noticed the problem being like that
Got the same prob, pm me or so if you've find a solution !
I installed virus on your comp which tracks your mouse movement. I will check it out and hopefully I will start aiming like a beast.
like you aren't already :D
same, been searching for solution for this forever
This feels like shit really, how can anyone play with this. Feels like playing some turn-based roleplaying game where a dice is thrown every time its your time to attack
hf whining, no solution for this exept that it seems to be more uncommon on AMD systems.
Nah I wont play with this. Too bad really, now that my connection was a lot more stable this thing came up :(
went from stable 50+ acc and botlike tracking to parkinsons like aim with 20-30 acc with this so I really advise you to never play again, this will eat away at your soul woith all the stress it causes :E
Btw I found a fix for my problem. Had to set my mouserate to 125hz. :D
Hm, tried that but I get really bad screen tearing like stuttering when I move it. It's probably the mobo, (didn't get that 125hz stutter with old board)

just switch to AMD and you'll be safe, afaik this happens a lot with INTEL but much less with AMD based boards.
i stopped playing! no use:>
will do the same
meh the video put me off, dont wanna read all that text would much rather see a boy getting eaten :D
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