Slac changed yo life?!

hey ..

dunno if it's me, but somehow et feels abit different with slac.
it could feel strange becuz i haven't played et for atleast 5 months.
but somehow some players feel more unhit than before. either
some players have found a way to get more unhit or i don't know.

the funny thing is, it have been germans which felt very unhit ;)

nothing against slac .. seems to work out well!
(alltho some players feel very very cocky on bio's server. but i've already
figured out why)

so .. what's your experience with slac so far ? ..

image: 6504
Hey Elephant, Why isn't there any Gambling in Aftica
EC final tonight
slac sucks
nice flaming speedlink cause they kicked you out :-) peinlicher otto :-)
I will have something for you tonight :D
something I was supposed to give you long ago ;)
arranged and confirmed !
selfbust slacked , et saviour anticheat success
rofl pic
i can hit people without probs and everyone says that im the 2nd most unhit guy after freeze

yea ur a jew terrorist unhitable
makes the game less laggy & gives me more fps .
-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- fps lags with slac ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- also everyone unhittable with slac -,-,-,-,--


WHOS WITH ME?!??!!!!!!!!!!!
i bet you gonna head this road all by yourself :P
nop, sam here

mb left? 1 season to dl
You still have 139 544 MB of traffic left.
Quotei haven't played et for atleast 5 months

can't aim -> blame opponents for being unhit
fëck you matan ..

hearing constant hitsounds .. but the faggÿt opponent still 'standing' .

must be a chew like you .. no? :P
if you hear hitsounds it means you do hit
why the unhit whine??

speck in dein kopf blocking logical thinking yes????
yes. i hit them.. but the question is, do they get hit.. or did those hits
get lost in their laggy connection? ,..

Quoteyes. i hit them.. but the question is, do they get hit.. or did those hits
get lost in their laggy connection?

dude might not wanna believe it .

but in rtcw we had one special player. from swiss ..

for real now. he stood infront of you, you gave him 2 luger shots..
the fag still stood there. . nothing!! .. and he was fops .. 100hp only.
2 luger shots = -100 hp ..

the most worse unhit player i've ever seen ..

he prolly catched some packets before they reached the game..
or they simply got lost somewhere on the big trip from one connection
to another ..
so many years you've been playing this game and still don't understand it

good job kuraigu
matan can you go blow yourself or what's your disfunction?
why so mad mate? can't aim?
ofc i can't .. aim is for pussys, man!! ..
also 2 hs = 90 hp no? helmet and all
rtwc, mate.. rtcw ..

a luger / colt took 50 hp damage per shot..
the sniper 100hp with a decent shot.
I noticed SLAC has too many bugs and therefor we should start using PB again, atleast it works with all anti virus.
slac = hack
Quotethe funny thing is, it have been germans which felt very unhit ;)

It's because the sponsor is German, they got their advantages.
Tbh, i feel less lags with PB now than with SLAC, was other way round before.
Probably people gonna say - OMFG GET LOST; GET A LIFE; PB IS MORE LAGGY!!
and so on..
But seems there was a PB update after this packet loss 9003 error.
And now i feel only a small startup lag and than i can play rather unlaggy.

With SLAC i have every 4-5 secs some tiny lagspikes. That might be the reason people are unhit, cant aim or its just the placebo effect.
For me is everything hitable.

But imo SLAC changed ET to a more positive way overall.
Ofc there will be still cheaters.
Now you haven't an opened door where you can easily activate some random public Wallhacks and Damagefeedback Removals without any risks.

And if you wanna hack, you need to buy now.
(seems that is already a reason that people don't wanna use hacks anymore :))
slac changed my life, it made me quit ET
That question simply points itself to an answer.
same here.

reasons for me:

1. rl > vl
2. why the heck should i use programs programmed by a cheater? this community is upside down nowadays.
To me, playing with slac is the same as playing without or maybe even better. Somehow people are more hittable and I don't get any lag(spikes) at all.
And of course, now, there are less cheaters. <3
Go duck yourself. D;:D:
same here, i used to have higher acc with pb :S
The reason is that you don't use hax :D
So you think they are unhit :P
havent seen any different yet
I have to do some stuffs before i turn on ET with slac xD
I got so many errors :D
And this is kinda annoying.
"alltho some players feel very very cocky on bio's server. but i've already
figured out why"

Hahaha, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but you are one of the most retarded, constantly whining people I've seen on there :-D
the amount of unhittability has raised drastically yes..

not - _-
slac is fucking useless tbh..-.-
not ;)

sieht man ja an necro :DDDD
Lots of cheaters whining here how slac sucks. :D
The last period of ET with nopb configs was just hilarious, everyone could get a random multihack and start owning, but above all, this general acquaintance led everyone to be suspicious towards everybody.

I'm sure that cheating is still possible even with SLAC but in my opinion the main achievement for SLAC, is being a deterrent itself. I mean that most of the cheaters are scared to try if they can still cheat with it, and to the other side players are more confident towards opponents using it.

Since I didn't have any drop of performance on my computer and according to this general trust climate, I'd say that SLAC is a success.
'I mean that most of the cheaters are scared to try if they can still cheat with it, and to the other side players are more confident towards opponents using it.'

There is no unhits in this game until they have packet loss or something like that
haven't realized much difference, but at least the cheater paranoia has vanished
feels like it eats much fps
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