Win7 + ET + 120Hz

Curious if anyone else has this problem (and a solution preferably). When running ET @ r_mode 4 and 120Hz win7 instead runs it in the middle of my screen but not windowed and at the native resolution... Any clues?
Not having any problem when I use custom values tho, never used r_mode.
This seems to have sorted it out for me setting custom width/height to 800x600 then r_mode -1. I have no idea why this fixes it but ah well win 7 is retarded...
Hehe :P Do you run everything as Administrator? (ET & SLAC)
Gonna try this also I tried to disable the admin thing in win7 but I think it's still latched on somehow argh this operating system makes everything so difficult =/
Never had any problem with Windows 7, to be honest.. Just be sure to enable the Administrator mode in Properties > Compatibility like everywhere.

And XP is easy downloadable if you wish. :P
prolly ur settings in nvidia
its (i think) do not scale resolution in control panel of nvidia or just your monitor settings, but still i would say its first thingy
using a flat screen?
really? because i wondered how you got your hz that high with windows 7.

i tried different things but i cant seem to get it over 85 hz, so i just dealt with it.
My CRT supports 120Hz+ to begin with. I set up a custom resolution in my nvidia drivers for 120Hz also. Then the r_mode -1 thing actually scaled it all correctly =o
also tried the method with a custom resolution...didnt help me.

maybe the custom resolution is the problem? i dont know.
I'm not too sure then, in win xp there's a program called multires which could force some resolutions/refresh rates. Maybe an external program is the solution if you know your monitor is capable of handling it.
hmmmm i dont know. but tbh, i dont care about that anymore either. :p
if you once get used to 85 hz (and you dont play et anymore) you really dont care about that. :D

but i think your problem is related to that custom resolution thing.
win7 uses stricter rules on the graphics drivers and the monitor too.. all sorts of signing and stuff that has to go on to get the right refresh rates which you didn't have to include for XP; does the game actually reach 120Hz?

ignoring that, sounds like the 'scaling' setting to me

also disable UAC totally in your system and you'll be happier with win7 immediately

e: ag0n's link should help
i already tried that a long time ago and i couldnt get the pins out.

the plug of my monitor was just too robust.
too lazy to buy shit, also i dont even play et anymore, so i dont need to get more than 85 hz :p
everyone has one of those at home!!!!
not me because i am not related to any homeworking stuff, and my mother (who obviously is a WOMAN) doesnt have one too.
:D it's useful sometimes :P I like to fix stuff, so sometimes it helps :D
e: ag0n's link :D
Your CRT _is_ a flatscreen :)
I use 800x600x120hz as well and I set it up with Powerstrip
800x600 200hz :D u mad nao ?
Just tried 800x600 160hz but was afraid to try more :(

I jelly
=D i hear a wierd buzzin sound coming from the CRT :P
Gonna try it having all sorts of issues.

Check this journal. I have had Win 7 for 3 weeks now and only good thing so far has been that I dont have 999's ingame anymore (I have wireless connection)

Otherwise its been a pile of steaming nigger shit, nothing works right on it. Im the only user and it still sometimes complains about not having enough rights to run some programs (happened with SLAC). My laptop has better specs than my old PC but still everything runs slower than on the older setup.
What are the laptop's specs? My old Thinkpad with a T2400 (1.8GHz) and shit onboard graphics runs Windows 7 perfectly with Aero... Granted I'm not gaming on it because of the lack of actual performance it has (43-76 fps in ET woo) but Windows 7 has been just fine.
Google a peice of software called refreshlock. Worked for me.
CRT is cheating -_-
Indeed my monitor is the God of 19"s
u should only play with 100hz and 100fps tho
Ask GermanyDrago, he knows this things. Helped me a lot
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