et is death
12 Dec 2010, 22:45
Best shoutcast
Best game
Best frags
Just sick!
owzo shit music:P
Best game
Best frags
Just sick!
owzo shit music:P
no karnaj no win !
dignitas c'est devenu une maison de bras cassés :{DDDDDDDDDD
who ?
hi, im in your inbox :D
I don't want to be that guy, but thought it was pretty boring. Gz to tlr though.
hater :D
Agree, was kinda boring to get raped that badly :(
Lol. Honestly thought you guys would take it, just for the fact its dignitas. A shame worked out the way it did (for the excitement factor anyway)
Well yea, no prac and mistakes everywhere, cant win like that :p
Shame thats the state of ET, top two teams, neither prac much and still at top (I believe TLR don't prac either all that much? Just guessing though).
sup fumble