Good day @ work journal
13 Dec 2010, 06:30
So after getting buttraped by TLR last night I was emoing all night long, didnt sleep at all and now sitting at work not feeling tired at all, instead im full of energy dunno how long..
So how was your night or day or whatever, pls share :)
So how was your night or day or whatever, pls share :)
You play pc or xbox battelfield? Flying an apache is pretty awesome =)
Don't think its worst or well who I am to say which is best/worst, we beat TLR once already, could say we just had bad day :]
The apaches can be a nightmare, specially when someone good flies them & it's basically impossible to shoot down >.< tank battles ftw specially on that desert conquest map. Still fucking impossible to aim for shit though with the bullshit sticks, great fun in vehicles but 1on1 is spray & pray.
Also gotta love flying the uav now I'v optical zoom! Death from above =)
about to take a shower, make coffee and then get my ass to school, no sleep here either :9
"Don't think its worst or well who I am to say which is best/worst, we beat TLR once already, could say we just had bad day :] " You just did a bit worse than last time, and TLR did better than last times, thats why ETTV is fun to watch, never gonna know what happens
What do
Weather, brr. 10:03 from #SieWi - Tie 4 Oulu, Kuivasjärvi kello 09:18: -21.7°C (tien pinta kuiva, heikkoa sadetta)
nerd-o-meter says;
low ---------x high
Hajoo iltapäivääs! :D
well played, just bad luck :)
now studying for examinations wednesday :)
i just woke up,im bored,probably going to uni later