Good day @ work journal

So after getting buttraped by TLR last night I was emoing all night long, didnt sleep at all and now sitting at work not feeling tired at all, instead im full of energy dunno how long..

So how was your night or day or whatever, pls share :)
Just got home from work a while ago, was pretty busy tonight, now I'm hella tired. :x
going 2 schol nao, have a nice evening dear.
Have a nice day at school. :)
writing poems for school tmrw and killing babies
1st lesson free school soon
Working 3-3 so just about to head to bed - btw you think this is the worst dignitas team ever?

You play pc or xbox battelfield? Flying an apache is pretty awesome =)
On pc ofc :p my piloting skills end up always crashing to tree or something :(

Don't think its worst or well who I am to say which is best/worst, we beat TLR once already, could say we just had bad day :]
Pff xbox hero here :d

The apaches can be a nightmare, specially when someone good flies them & it's basically impossible to shoot down >.< tank battles ftw specially on that desert conquest map. Still fucking impossible to aim for shit though with the bullshit sticks, great fun in vehicles but 1on1 is spray & pray.

Also gotta love flying the uav now I'v optical zoom! Death from above =)
Every heli can be nightmare if there are nice pilot and gunners.. Im not rly vehicle guy, only using uav from time to time, I prefer playing medic with m14 rifle thingy! Used to play recon when bought the game, was so much fun to shoot the pilot from helis and cars :D And medic with mg36 was unbeatable, aiming with that gun was so easy, too bad they removed to red dot from it now :(
use RPG's against helis :-D
kinda hard to hit still :l
But usually they have countermeasures for tracer 8(
no matias no win
leaving to work soon
Drinking coffee, listening to music, enjoying the smell of the first rain since March.
nerd got rolled lol

about to take a shower, make coffee and then get my ass to school, no sleep here either :9
Tbh, i was thinking ET for some reason when I tried to sleep, but didn't fall asleep in 1.5h hours so i turned TV on and watched House from DVD :D
"Don't think its worst or well who I am to say which is best/worst, we beat TLR once already, could say we just had bad day :] " You just did a bit worse than last time, and TLR did better than last times, thats why ETTV is fun to watch, never gonna know what happens
In ESL we shall meet them again!
:D Trophy worthy that sQUALL replied to me? :D
No, lost EC final 8(
"1st sQUALL replied to me after losing EC"? >8D
u suck xD
Had a good night sleep, in about 30 min im gonna go to denmark to work.. Usually we fly but this time we are gonna drive so im gonna spend my day in a car and then all night working :)
Teacher sick so Im here again, bored.

What do
saw my old mates getting bash3d by ROSS :DDDD
On aura tout vu.
Job interview in few hours, gotta walk because I accidentally bike to the centrum because of taxi.

Weather, brr. 10:03 from #SieWi - Tie 4 Oulu, Kuivasjärvi kello 09:18: -21.7°C (tien pinta kuiva, heikkoa sadetta)
-27 and I soon have to walk to downtown (2km) :(
-25 and had to go school with bike! Little bit over 3km
low+ max, sorry
watching numb3rs and sleeping
couldn't sleep because u lost?!

nerd-o-meter says;
low ---------x high
didn't sleep at all, now full of energy? sounds like you've snorked a bit last nite ;DD
that's normal to me at least. once you get pass the night, your biological clock says "hai, is new day again, wake up"
yea, if I get past the need to go sleep after that im full of energy again, but I guess i'll be very dead soon :D
Posted by sQUALLI on Monday 13th December 2010, 07:30

Hajoo iltapäivääs! :D
Sain mä täällä nukuttua 5min kerrallaan pari tuntia, kun puhelin soi/joku tuli käymään yms!
tehokkaasti käytät aikas ;D
Watched some d - TLR cause i couldnt watch it live,
well played, just bad luck :)

now studying for examinations wednesday :)
just got home after some dude crashed my crv (shoutout to azuki). got my ipod, checked the final, and im just speechless. good job
gaming.serious shizzle

i just woke up,im bored,probably going to uni later
at work now, waking up bit by bit, will be awake in one hour, then i can work :D
I'm free today, just like almost everyday so im going to hangout with some friends nao, ciao
I wouldn't go to work if my ass hurt so much from all that assrape.
crash coming soon :D don't fall asleep on your keyboard
just slept 4hrs because i had to do stuff 4 school :>
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