Heroes III

I've been playing the game for fun since forever. Now I tried it on the hardest level a couple of times, wasn't that difficult against a computer. What kind of competitive scene Heroes III has? Any way I can play against other players without hamachi?

Anyway, post your highest score :)

image: bp76ea16uiy362q4t
best game ever

though Key to Victory is like easiest mission ever :D
i suspect cheats
71 days xD nerd :D :D
you'd make a great WoW-playah!
Im scared to test it
10-day trial, you wont regret it!

Thats what ET legends are supposed to do anyways!
u shouldnt be
Wow nice, I'm having a really hard time playing on the hardest difficulty. Not skilled enough :<

I've just been trying to finish the campaign, been stuck at some map now for a while though. Going to pick it up again!
had round 480 but on a custom map downloaded from somewhere so not really valid :p
Wow someone here actually plays Heroes III... anyways I've been able to host an online match for me and my friend & the computers but it has few downsides (pretty boring to wait if the other player is slow with his turns) and there's no ingame chat or then I'm just blind :p

Didn't really answer you questions but this is related at least :>
press tab for ingame chat maybe? :p
I'm pretty sure there is a in-game chat :O
ah, i didnt think about waiting... it would be pretty boring indeed
lol, go vent or skype or smthg :D

Played aoe2 like that all the time :D
of course I'd be in vent, but not all of my friends are as into gaming as I am so their gaming gears are more casual :(
that's why I said use skype. They will understand it more easily and every laptop has mic if they use it.
Heroes 3 is awesome, still playing it now and then.
Heroes 3 is awesome, still playing it now and then.
best score 482 kkthx
image: 29vgd51

I beat Decem two weeks ago! We had a nice game on Warlords (*Pic is from the match).
Don't believe his fictional lies about a computer beating me in one of the games, as it ain't true! :P

We played against each other using GameRanger.
thanks, ill download gameranger maybe we can fight someday? :)
i dont play singleplayer, only multiplayer with few nerds i met on ET, i kinda suck but i love the game
Still playin this game. Most enjoyable game, next to Diablo I & II and Warcraft 3. And Benefactor @ Amiga : DDDD
image: highv
1. map 'All for One'
2. 'Dead and Buried'
3. 'Golems aplenty (just finished)'

Remember my quite nice score at 'Five rings' (very difficult map, it depends how fast u are). I have to play this again : )

Got ori, but dunno how to play this online. Well, pretty fucked up that i got 'Myth and Legend' map at cracked version many years ago (before armageddons blade was released), but I dont have it on ori Heroes Complete : < Damn You CDProjekt!

Heroes is one of few games, that I love to play again and again, and again... But anyway, ET > H3,Diablo,Warcraft. Bestest game<3
Play H3 WoG
Way more fun imo with more options and army growth which is always fun later in the game with huge amount of units on both sides.
wog is just unplayable online :p
Holy shit.

Played that game about 8 years ago :D. Was kinda awesome actually.
Played Heroes 4 @ lan. Two players vs computers (prolly 6 players map). Took 19,5hours to finish, not that enjoyable.
one of the best games ever, havent played it for months though

3 > 5 > 2 > 4 part is the worst
GameArcade works for everyone (besides me :/)
image: heroesdd
I dont think I ever got higher than this but meh
heroes 3 is awesome,used to play it at my friends house when i was like 10 i think...it was fucking awesome game

i wanna play it now :S
used to play it at my friends house when i was like 10 i think..

same :P
haluutko 1v1?
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