Le new headphones

Hey guys,

a few days ago the cable of my Sennheiser HD477 headphones got twisted and snapped, so I need something new. I could order a new cable, which will cost me around €15 and that would do I guess. The HD477 headphones weren't anything special (I bought them for €15 at Aldi once) but I really liked them. I've tried some earphones I had laying around but they produced some utter shitty sound. So I'm doubting between spending some more money on better headphones or paying €15 for a fucking cable.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on good headphones? With good I do not necessarily mean they should be uberpro, but just very decent for listening to music via mp3-players and such. If they're really good I'm willing to spend some more money but if possible I'd like to keep it below €40.


I'm talking about headphones, not a headset

image: girls_kissing-headphones

image: funny-pictures-cat-headphones-god
damn you funny, swapped pics :)
damn you funny, swapped pics :)
plantronics gamecom 777? :$
Creative Fatality headset:)
Quotebetter headphones

Quotecreative fatality

something is wrong here.
Ik lees geen :x
creative fatality?

or just go sennheiser, theyre all pretty good, read some reviews on www.google.com
Joe working hard @uni ":{D"
working hard is hard work

(c) niSmO, 2010
Teach me how to work hard then!
HD555 or up than if you like sennheiser :)
The HD555 has also sturdy cable.

It's more expensive than your budget. But they will last for years.
By the look of the grill i'd say the driver of them was very similar to the 595 and hence similar to the 555.
it;s the same as the HD595 but just newer version in an other color
555 -/+ 595
did you posted those hot girls for me? :)))
Only just found out they replaced them with the 558, I feel like I have outdated headphones now too...

has a really really nice bass(no really, its great) that doesnt ruin the higher tones ^_^ is really comfortable and for this price you wont find much with this quality

Audio Technica AD500(or 300)

Theyre both pretty good from what Ive read in the reviews : )

But thats not below 40 euros Im afraid :x
buy a Sennheiser HD201 for about 25€

Been using it for 5 years, then bought a new one
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