Opinion? Solution?

Dear Punk Buster / Even Balance,

This week I was caught "Cheating".
I would like to clarify my story.
Please be human and empathize the situation.

For 7 years, i'm a thankful ETplayer and user of your services. Since this week I am banned for something that looks like cheating.
In this mail I would like to clarify what happened.

I am playing ET for 7 years now. In all these years I never used a cheat, and never even searched for it (like it should be). Untill this week. I am in a sort of clan/friendsteam. Almost every evening we spent some time on our private server to play 3v3's or just to mess arround. Last week one of our guys had this great idea to try some cheat, its possible because we dont have punkbuster on at our server, and when we play wars/scrims we use slac. So after one of us had this ''great'' idea to test a cheat against each other, we all downloaded it and had some fun time on the server, nothing more - nothing less.

The name of the cheat is WhiteLight, its a fully detected cheat, I knew that before I downloaded it (!)
So the cheat can only be used on no pb-servers like our private one. Its running in the background when you run ET.

When I tried to connect to a server the next day, WhiteLight was not on. Once I was on the server PB gave me some warning and I got kicked after a few seconds. As it seems, some of the WhiteLight commands were still in my config, because I wrote some stuff in my autoexec yesterday and saved it. If I knew this was in my config offcourse I would not connect but first get rid of the commands, but, shit happens i didn't know it was in there.

The main reason to send this mail is to ask for some understanding. My love for this game is bigger then you can imagine. After 7 years, watching it go from active to inactive, because of some stupid (Yes, its my own stupid mistake) mistake, there is almost no public server left for me to play on.

The story I wrote to you above, is 100 percent honest.
I hope to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,
You just got served.
you cheated -> you got what you deserved.
Quotewe all downloaded it and had some fun time on the server

so you cheated and ur busted, what?
why would anyone play on pb server..
i feel for you man, i do
stupid kiddos, if you wanna mess around, activate cheats and play with shownormals
7 years, dude. it is a sign from above to move on and do something else.
>refer to a crossfire journal as a mail

image: 170
fuckin idiot
Bad luck but it's no use to wait any compassion from this retarded community :)
So you are asking PB to stop doing what they are meant to give you some special rights? :D

You got what you deserved.
too stupid to delete a cheat = ban
sucks to be you Bert van Asperen

i mailed this to pb.
Stopped reading at the word CHEATER
The word cheater is nowhere to be found
Bad luck :/
You downloaded a cheat, fucked up and got "busted", tough shit. You just pay for your mistake like everyone else does & move on :)
I guess your right. Its just bad luck :D
use reply button
what is this shit
;/ Unfortunately, that is the situation. bad luck
Why were you tagged before this week?

image: LOL
Half a year to wait. If u really love the game so much and played it for 7 years. What is half a year anyway
emo cheater
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