leaping lizards


whoever renamed the journal, actually this journal title makes no sense-.-'
i wouldve liked to see that this lizard grows to a size bigger than a human and bites of the kids head, than rages hard the rest of the family.

poor lizard...the kid got just what it deserved...and that was the LEAST it should get.
yeh but wondering whats gonna happend to the lizard, i guess he got harmed cuz the kid hitted the lizard on the head pretty hard several times.

man i never feel any sad when a human gets tortured but with an animal i do -.-'
yeah true.

but i think the main problem is -> it is a living being and feels PAIN

imagine the boy would get such treating as a lizard.
or imagine roles are changed and the lizard is punishing the human?
yeh then idc at all lol, im pretty weird, when it comes to humans idc if humans suffer, i just cant see an animal suffer.

i think its cuz the lizard (or any animal getting harmed) got no way of deffending himself, he can bite whatsoever but he will eventually endup getting hit again sooner or later.

that can happed to a kid too, i feel slighly bad if its to a kid since he cant do anythign at all either but animals bother me the most :/
same goes for me.

slaying animals to prepare them as food is one thing, but torturing them is a "no go" for me.
it's gonna end in a dish with some couscous prolly
they probably stoned the lizard later
fucking 3rd world country people
the arab prick got what he deserved, even though he was young and probably hadn't been taught right from wrong, faggy parents
die in a car fire :))))))
deserving end :)

<racist comment>
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