HIV cured

This demands a way more popular represantation of its result than it has gotten so far.
yus it's cool
well, it isn't the kind of treatment that can be applied to everyone, because it needs a lot of that immune bone marrow, more then we have HIV infected
Yet it's clear that so many more people should donate bone marrow, something I have done already
“It’s hard enough to get a good compatible match for a transplant like this,” Fauci told, “But you also have to find compatible donor that has this genetic defect, and this defect is only found in 1 percent of the Caucasian population and zero percent of the black population. This is very rare.”
"" =

Yet it doesn't disprove my point.
That's pretty old news :3

It dates back from the middle ages actually, 1% became immune for the black plague (which never hit the black population)

It's that same immunity that makes oneself immune for HIV.
That's what I read :?
Still it's highly doubtable that an enterobacterium such as the Plague pathogen has the same entry way than a virus, especially if it doesn't replicate inside cells afaik..To say it more clearly: It's utter bullshit.

E: Ofc it replicates inside cells, I have to correct myself. But it's invading mostly epithelial cells, which have no CCR5 on their membrane due to the fact that it's involved in immunological pathways and therefore expressed only on WBCs.
I just checked. They did indeed discard the plague theory.

Instead they're now in favor of the smallpox disease.
Not really no. Look it up if you want, imma go eat
At least smallpox is a virus, so it's not complete utter bs. Still it's just a populistic theory probably published in P.M. which can't be proven and isn't likely to be right but can't be unproven either.
The receptor for smallpox is currently unknown yes; could be the same as HIV-1 uses...

HIV is too recent for social selection to have occured, thus a virus that uses the same receptor gave us immunity before that.

First they thought it was the Plague since it was known there was immunity among a certain percentage of the people. However it got discarded since the Plague never hit for a continious long period of time. Smallpox did.
Dude...Have you any slight idea how many surface molecules there are on any given cell? And how much they vary from cell type to cell type? The chances that smallpox and HIV go through the same entry path tho mainly targetting on different cell types, is pretty low. And the question from where this natural immunity comes is so unneccessary for the cure of HIV that it's only of populistic interest.
It's certainly not unnecessary since we have Smallpox vaccines and tests have shown that it greatly reduces HIV impact....

So shove it up where the sun doesn't shine
Yep, it will help like all the other overhyped populistic hypothesis... Oh wait..
Yes, because tests are always wrong

Oh wait...
But it's still cool. hopefully they find a way how to cure ms-disease too
I don't think it should be overhyped since this was a very particular case but it should sure clear all stem cell research restrictions
But it's a start. Any clue to restrict this deadly disease shold be taken seriously.
the world doesnt need the cure for hiv
if hiv gets cured there will appear a new to replace it or an old which becomes a stronger desease and replace hiv
i Donate 5 pounds a month.. to save donkeys.
HIV could be cut drastically if people infected were a little more careful!
instead of focusing on this, they should be focusing on how to reduce the testosterone of black males and therefore reduce world HIV cases by about 31.83%
Nice. ! :)
Quotenatural resistance to HIV infection

uhm.. wat?
You can be immune for HIV.

In other words, there's no way to get HIV for HIV resistant people.
Why would anyone want to get rid of their aids????
Too bad you need a mutated donor + 200000€ surgery :p
There has only been 1 case that a man was infected with HIV and his immune system did actually fight it off. He was cured of HIV (not aids) and nothing was ever heard from him again. I assume they took him for tests and shit to see how and why he defeated the disease. 1 man out of millions.
It's actually 1% of the Caucasian population that's immune.
Not 'immune' but have less of a chance of getting it.
yeah the doctors were only trying to cure the cancer, they just got lucky with the HIV :> so yes, they cured cancer :)

if u dont know: 1% of europeans are immune to HIV, so the doctors looked for that kind of person and then implanted their cells into the HIV guy. then suddenly both HIV and leukemia(whatever its typed) was gone. it doesn't even mean that the treatment will work on everyone..
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