need some ET halp

i've been making some cfg changes and i've found one that i like but there is that green smoke that appears when i shoot somebody. If somebody could tell me how to get rid of it that' be great :)

winter better song by radin >_>
most of the time it is because of:

r_displayrefresh is set to a value your monitor doesnt support

r_colorbits is set to a different value to what your pc is running (or you monitor i cant remember which way round)

and i think there was something else that changes it but i cant remember, try that first :P
This, most likely the first.

ask owzo
Ask owzo he knows yo.
lol RhymeMasterFlex
r_ignorehwgamma 1 or 0 something like that
hmm i dont know how to get rid of the smoke clouds but i think you can remove the green color by adjusting the colorbits, not sure though. :x
w/e owzo said

i guess u could also do r_ignorehwgamma 1
check resolution too, make sure its the same as your desktop resolution
it has something to do with colorbits, but first you need to play with your guitar.
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