good morning peepz ²

Hola wish ya all a nice morning. already wednesday!
tomorrow xmas party from work looking forward to it cause they made a quiz (last year u could win mininetbook :OO) hopefully i WIN!

questions of the day:
1. if you get 500k€ what would you do? - party hard, rent a dj :o
2. fav colour? - green!
3. multikulti or racist? MULTIkulti! <3

"u here no iz in"


pic: image: LilyAllen-c-SimonEmmet-recadr-105436_L

shoutout2 my buddies, TEH girls, floo floo, jimini, phil + AHMEN & special 2 maxiim <3
good morning, i would invest the money in something(growery most likely) favorite color green and np with multikulti but gtfo with the monkey brainers that cause problems ^_^

I have

Wheres my shoutout?
tits, show us!
random song:

i would buy a g power bmw hurricane

and how u will pay the guarantee and the fuel? :D
with the other 250.000€? lol
morning schneez ²

1. hmm that's a shitload of money, but not enough to quit working :D so I guess I'd just take a break, buy a nice shiny car and enjoy life for a year or so... and I got this idea somewhere in the back of my mind to make a festival with all my favorite bands, but I have no clue about organising something like that.. but well, that's something I'd like to do :D

2. black

3. something in between

we don't have a christmas party at work at all... my boss doesn't really understand the sense of that as it seems. gonna work on it for next year :p
boysetsfire, rise against and nofx in concert, I'll come visit ^_^
After ~8 years of seeing hundreds of bands, NOFX is probably one of the most fun I've seen :D
have never seen them. and now guess what, they come to pretty much my hometown, they play on a festival that's like 2 km from me and I can't go cause I have to be somewhere else that weekend xD
Oh you suck, what could possibly be more important than getting wasted watching NOFX and rawking out in the circle pit :PP
haha ur right, but this one really is important ;P
Would spend 1/3 for fun/trips/etc with friends/family ^__^, and save rest for the future.
Yellow ofc!
spending energy for hating others who are different? feels wrong :/
good morning
1) take a break from school and go tripping, buy lots n lots of stuff, save a bunch
2) blue
3) multikulli
1) make euro/worldtrip, buy nice car and save the rest for a nice house !
2) blue
3) depends. Mostly racist :>
A German car obviously.
1) get a studies, average house + furniture + drivers license
2) black / dark red / purple
3) depends some are nice, but the lazy and or criminal ones shud gtfo
1) buy 200kg weed
2) gold
3) racist, fuck whites
1. Start a small business to keep me occupied, would try to combine it with music & travelling.
2. Hmm, red or black.
3. I hate everyone equally.
1) I would get plane tickets and visit a certain someone
2) Black
3) Racist
1. buy a car and buy schnee
2. cyan
3. both
1) I 'd buy a house @ GOA & 'd live there @ october~ april
& a sportbike

2) I love many shades of blue, (prolly azure is fav. one )

)3) we have tons of muslims coming to Moscow searching for any kind of job they can find
since they have salaries like 50euro a month @ home.
so some of them bring heroin here, others at least are trying to work but they can't afford themselves to bring their wives here (they live like 10 persons together renting 1 small room)
so they just go nuts and end up raping a white woman.

so if u 'd live here, trust me u wouldn't be so tolerant

fucking animals deserve a death penalty for raping \ bringing drugs here.
(ofc i don't want to say all muslims and black people are bad )
what about the jews?
those are cool too, theyre racist as fuck too, they roll like the nazis @ gaza
are you mad ..racist
1) buy a bmw/mercedes youngtimer and a nice flat

2) erdfarben

3) multikulti with a racist touch
1) id buy a small 2 room flat (maybe 3room) and a car

2)changed throughout my life but atm id say darkgreen

3) racist with a touch of multikulti (kinda hard to discribe)
1) I'd travel around the world, meet new people, new cultures, etc. Then come back when I have almost no money left.
2) Green and Orange
3) Multikulti. Kinda impossible to be racist when you are an immigrant.
howdy schnee

1. if you get 500k€ what would you do? - buy house, buy another house and rent that for extra cash, travel, do all what i like
2. fav colour? - pink/blue
3. both i think

tomorrow hospital ;( wish me luck !
luck! but why? anythigng bad?
eum dunno how to say it, but the fluid between my 3 lowest bones of my spine is almost gone :/ so it hurts like shit + i got arthritis?? in my back too... they will decide what will happen :o
oh not good. gl for this!
thx, ill need it :(
with those three things together i would rule the world!
Yeah, your favourite colour is an important thing when it comes to ruling the world ;-)
1. invest
2. r/g/b
3. multikulti - gypsies.
1. if you get 500k€ what would you do? - business
2. fav colour? - blue dabadibadaba
3. multikulti or racist? - multikulti, but fuck gipsy ppl
Good afternoon! jus back from uni gonna finish my french presentation soon.

1. i would save the money for future wishes, such as a house, car, money to travel, small business, and probably would fulfill some of my parents/brother wishes with it.
2. i dont really have a favourite color.
3. multikulti for sure!!
Hai! :)

Just came back to home and drinking tea :)
A little bit cold here :(

1. Traveling :o, car, house and rest for faimily/friends :)))
2. To much for me to write all :D
3. Of course multikulti!!!
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