wisdom teeth

had to pull 2 wisdom teeth

swollen mouth, can't swallow, fucking numb.

bleeding a bit in my mouth and since i can't swallow i have to let the slimey blood drip out in the sink xD

can't talk either,

wus poppin crossfire?
Awww :x

Poor you.
i see, u already lost half of ur wisdom, not much left then :P
wasn't much to begin with tbh
u'd be surpirsed
sux4u bro, had my wisdom teeth for years now, no need to pull them out though :x
they took all 4 of mine in '06! and btw all at once :D

did hurt for some days, but goes over, dont be a pussy!
suck some cock , heard it helps
dont have
also auch keine Weisheit für dich :*
meeeeeeeeeeeeh :*
Had all mine out, hurt quite a bit suxxx but over in a day or 2 so np!
got codeine , so i can lean ! doesn't really hurt tbh, whats annyoing is the numbness ;o
got dat purp?
nee man. codeine en promethazine in vloeibare pure vorm zijn lastig te krijgen :(
man the numbness will go away and the hurting will staaaaaaart.
Niggers didn't give me codeine i'm jealous :<
dont eat crisps, thats a bad idea :p and it will be over sooner than u think !

get some strong painpkillers for when the nerves in your mouth start twitching, thats probably the most annoying thing I had :)
Aaai, Im happy everytime the dentist says she doesnt need to pull m :p Scared to go to the dentist cuz of that for 2 years now :p
have fun with it, had it like 2 month's ago
on the brufen for 2 weeks

mine wasn't even through yet:P I had a wick there, fucking sucks:p
Mine are fine =))))
never had problems with wisdom teeth, only maybe when they were coming through.
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