car crash

I saw a car crash today :I too much blood for my eyes :I car vs car with 60km/h was harsh to watch :I had to help the survivors :I

U ever been in a car crash?
post pictures or it never happened
couple of times, yes
ye it's fun
pics or didnt happen
when it once happened at me, I recorded it and putted it on youtube, 2 weeks later it was on RWJ :P
ye car crashes are pretty scary.
had a car crash when having lessons with driving school
pics of the dead bodies or gtfo
I have some police picks of a dead man that fly through his car window. Not a nice pic :o
once bambi jumped in front of my car, he didnt survive and car was fuckd up
happened 2 me 2 :) luckily it was mah friends car
was my dad's car, 2k damage:P
pics or gtfo
i saw a planecrash today, plane vs plane with 600 km/h i didnt help, no survivors
once, and well i dunno if i can call it a car crash,
it was just like, i was going home with friends on a dark road and car driver didnt see us, so he hit one of my friends, he flew few meters away and had broken leg and some bleeding from his head. not a cool view but what can u do lol
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