The ET community delivers once again

It's now official! is now the number one source for hits on the TLR website (placing above direct links and Google - which is quite something!). This has provided us with enough evidence to approach sponsors for more ET-related competitions with prizes. We have already been given approval for a certain announcement which will be made before the new year.

2011 is going to be an awesome year for ET, and it's thanks to you! We're looking for some competition ideas too, so let us know what you'd like to see! Try and make them unique. So, leave your ideas here or send me a pm on cf!

Thanks again <3

image: original_image

For those who wanna make sure Crossfire doesn't slip from the top, check out the latest news about the EMS final between TLR.ET and Dignitas... GOTY #3?!
influence other big names to come back!
like the NA leagues.
think he ment people as butchji, snoop, mystic, etc
lol meh,

we still need NA leagues.
good stuff :) Looking forward to it!
we are the best \:D/
Great. :)

what i always thought was a fairly nice idea, but poorly executed in previous attempts: a competition revolving around pub playing. there's one in particular i remember where the objective was to rack up as much xp as possible in say 30 minutes. now this gives way to all kinds of xp whoring as you can imagine. part of the reason why the previous version was so weird in my eyes was that it was poorly moderated, so iirc zeto was able to win 2nd place, some other obvious guy got in 1st. now if this were to be properly moderated it could be interesting, especially if SLAC was to be made mandatory, despite rumors that is has already been bypassed. the biggest plus in this setup is that everyone has a chance to play, whereas a cup of some sorts has 2 or 3 likely winners that will take home the prizes. idea still needs a bit of thought tho...
u on drugs?
<3 hoelaat ben je klaar
18:00 dus rond 19:15 thuis dan eten dus 19:45 boven en dan 20:00 prac tot meestal 22:15 fzo daarna kan ik wel FM doen :)
wat leuk! nou dan ga ik wel met melissa slapen;););) vieze kutlul
u on icecream from trixor's rapist van?
Totally understand and agree with what you're saying. We're currently running a Call of Duty 4 public tournament on our 24/7 Christmas Crash server, person with most kills by the end of December wins a prize. I wanted to do this for ET but the stats from this community weren't good enough for me to put forward to the sponsors. Obviously that's changed now.

Nice one :)

Hope the announcement is about LAN!

Regarding competition, there can be a number of things to get people more involved..Movie clip comps, banner comps etc.
But also I think MGCs like TLR, Rockit, Dignitas etc should post more things for the community to get involved with. It can be anything from comps mentioned above to possible volunteering jobs.
Personally I wouldn't mind working voluntarily for a MGC, it can be anything from posting news on officials or maybe doing something similar to Merlinators ET-Cast etc..These are ideas off the top of my head atm
I'm happy to work something out for you. Majority of people don't do things for free anymore so, finding volunteers is a lot harder than you'd think. Our staff get rewarded for their hard work, but only once they prove themselves to us.
I would do a job like newswriting for free I guess.
Sounds good, Im just thinking alot more people would be similar to me and volunteer if MGC's just ask. But I am interested to see what offers you have got for me :)
Sadly not. What's the best way to contact you?
I have sent you a pm regarding that question btw ^
Interested about the anouncement :)
I hope Dignitas will win tho ;p
nice song :D
Nice! :))

offtopic; how do i add a logo to my team on gtv? :P if some one told me it would be nice instead of makin a journal bout it
gtv support ticket?
Great, :)
I dont know why would someone visit that site at all. or any MG site
You're right, there's no reason for anybody to visit such a site.

The way it works at TLR is that we track our stats using Google Analytics, which shows traffic sources, daily hits amount and unique hits amount. If there is a link to the TLR website on this site somewhere, the source will show as "" and what we like to do with the traffic sources information is just give back into the community that gave us our hits.

The majority of gaming orgs just use the hits information for their own use, but I don't believe that's the fairest way and best way to run an organisation, because at the end of the day, it's the people who "fanboy" the org who keep it alive, not the sponsors.

tl;dr - You don't have to click, but it doesn't hurt to click.
I know how google analytics work.

I just visit crossfire as its where theres evrything et related. and if theres soemthing going on with TLR and et is going to be posted here aswell.
I understand.
anyway u a semi-admin there aswell?
5on5 rifle tournament, no mixes, just eurocup teams rifling their asses off, 1million $ for whichever position i end up on.
Get 6on6 back.
Good shit seanm8!
Do you remember a SPECIAL CUP BY QPAD with a Qpad in the middle of the map and the winner win grafic card or smth. Only 3 servers was available and the 3 best players win smth. I think doktor end 2nd or 3rd.
This cup was fabulous
6on6 tournament with all weapons allowed and good maps.
make an admins team and give them 20k HP + /giveall and play against anybody. who gets a kill wins a prize or something...
6on6 tournament with oasis, grush, supply, radar + 1 or 2 other maps would be awesome... x)

host the fucking 6v6-northpole cup before its too late

its what makes xmas for me!
Nice work! btw seanza I should have internet soon to get thigns sorted. You got my number if anything new pops up! Hope your good matey ;) <3
really really really? saiko died so Im avi for any team u decide to make : DDD
I doubt I will be playing ET again but I am doing a few projects with big man Seanza :D
Secret projects are secret ;D
Eh, nice :p

Add a TLR Slac server, but one that keeps a track of stats(I believe there was a server who had that aswell, and someone made a journal once who had the highest hs percentage right? Eddo came in second iirc), cuz that would motive player to get on that server. That way we have around 2/3 active SLAC servers, and not just 1 that is always full :p
Damned... You are so f*cking cool! :O
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