good morning peepz ³

good morning ladies and boys,

today we have finally our xmas party from our company. they rent a rly big place for us, cause we are around 600ppl with all in total.
so i guess ill meet some ill never seen before and will be lot of fun.

questions for today:
1. early bird or sleeping long : sleeping very long when im allowed to
2. car or bike? car!!!!!
3. best present u ever got? pandora + (red lil thingie on top) have it in my appartment image: tankst)

pic: image: Kerli

shoutout 2 my buddies, floflo, my ATZEN Rahul and faky and special Maxiim <3
questions for today:
1. early bird or sleeping long : sleeping very long when im allowed to
2. car or bike? car!!!!!
3. best present u ever got? gf bought lingerie, was for her. But in a way, it was my present :DDD
1. i'm at work so fuck off ^^
2. car!! it's fucking cool.
3. hmm dunno lol...
1. early bird or sleeping long : early bird during the week and sleeping very long during weekends :{D
2. car or bike? I prefer car but I have to travel with train.
3. best present u ever got? PC of course :XD ok seriously I don't know :{S
1. early bird all the way!
2. car
3. ESSO thingy when i was a kid :PP
wtf is esso?
esso the gas station? :o
yes! the toy was dedicated for those little cars, you could lift them up, and put them on a slide n stuff, great stuff rly :')
early bird, i feel like so much day is wasted when waking up later than 10
car - tho i need a drivers license first :(
a scarf

e: whats a pandora?
image: pandora
gold silver glass everything!
Moet een goede sjaal zijn!
good morning! :-D
1. I'd rather get up early, but when I wake up I cannot be sleepy.
2. Short distance and summer? Bike. In every other situation car.
3. MJ's glove :D
1. early bird or sleeping long? Sleeping long long long
2. car or bike? Definitely car indeed! So glad I've gotten my license few months ago! awesomeness!!
3. best present u ever got? Driving license / New snowboard
1. sleeping long
2. car
3. Sega Mega drive :D
Xmas is in a week, just so you know...
xmas party from company? i dont work on xmas evening ;)
I'd like to say early bird cause I like to have a full day ahead of me and lots of time to do stuff etc but tbh I like sleeping too much x)

car for sure. I'm not 14 anymore :D

don't have something I could name that would be much much better than anything I ever got hmm...
having xmas party from my company 2morrow... and 2,5 weeks holiday starting next Wednesday :D

waiting for the "blizzard-snowstorm-of-death-from-hell"... according to BILD :D

1. sleeping long ofc
2. Car -> big fun with all the snow :D
3. same as wsk... dunno :D
morning, off to college

1. both doesn't matter. If I can sleep longer I sleep longe, if I can't no problem:) all the way, bikes are for savages

3. image: 123
sleeeeeeeeeep, stupid school and work wont let me tho
my birth ;) normal presents, no clue
1. early bird or sleeping long : depends if im tired or not
2. car or bike? car duh! (pimp my ride ;))
3. best present u ever got? special keyhanger
1. early bird or sleeping long : Sleeping long.
2. car or bike? Bike and public transport all!!! kiddin probably car but dont have my driver license yet :p
3. best present u ever got? hmmm i guess that would be my horse! :)
1. used to be rather long, but i`m an early bird now :)
2. i prefer to walk over bike and car, in this order.
3. puh, was propably the NES like 16 years ago :D
nes at 1994? thats like someone would give me a nintendo 64 as a present today

would be happy though :D
well, it was the best thing ever with 6 years :D
sleeping way to long every day
car! definetly, got driving lessons in 10mins:p
ehm, i hope the best present will be a car soon! wont happen tho:p so i guess my necklace that my girlfriend gave me is the best present
I like to sleep till i wake up
Bike for some things, car for other
my basketball hoop probably, or my vacation car
e: good song
1. early bird
2. my car for obvious reasons :)
3. several things
1.sleeping very long
2. car but i have no license
3. a special zippo from my best friend
with those three things i would get you naked in 1 second
you're a freaky girl, amirite?
saying "tell" me u don't deny the fact
u can get naked by a dumb and ugly nigger?

I am so dissapointed, srsly :D
im dissapointed u took that serious
1. sleeping loooooooong cuz im lazy and i don't need to go to uni till 13.00
2. bike, since i live in amsterdam where a car is useless and just costs money. (can't park infront of my house etc). And yes i do have a license!
3. probably something that means something to me, several things. Painting my granddad made is quite special to me.
1.) Depends
2.) Bike
3.) a moped +... Noooo!
1. I'm a night owl so I prefer sleeping in.
2. I use the train mostly.
3. There's several things I can think of. :D
sharing a pillow is one of this.
Haha :D who knows?!
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