mAus' new movie

Looking at rating and peoples opinions, Samael managed to do something that only few excel in, ruining excellent frags. Must feel great to do a movie for an year and trash-talk other peoples movies meanwhile and then this happens. ^^

Swiruz will do the same if he ever decides to publish pics of himself here. :D
oh oh....
Samael not make any movie about butchji pls : D
everyone so mad and crazy here
it wasn't good :-/
yea, but looking at Templar the movie and then this one u can see the differences of effort imo, i also read he've bin into some kind of depression or smth :P i'd say this movie is unffinished, he just put stuff together and released it cause he lost motivation or anything like that. :PP what i think about it :p
it's crossfire .... what do u expect from this guys
shit palyer , shit movie

1*4 - is it so hard to find the movie section??
its still one of the better movies, just peoples expectations are so high that votes cannot really be compared to others

Its horrible, no matter how u look at it.
Its definitely not "one of the better movies" ... There are lots of fragmovies with content from average players which top this easily
if I go through the movies listed on CF its definately in the top 50%, there is so much worse stuff there^^
It is top 50% I agree with you :D But not quite an achievement now is it?
probably not :D I still kinda enjoyed watching it for the quality & frags
I agree with them its not one of the better movies, but it also isn't the worst thats for sure, I don't think he ruined it to the point that frags were wasted, but it could have been alot better.
frags are amazing
this movie doesnt even deserve a hate journal.. 8 months after the trailer and all it has is good frags and nice quality. Pretty much everything else is fucked one way or another -.-

samael i am disappointed
I like it
Excellent frags? Sorry but the only thing I saw was mediocre frags.
Yeah it had lots of filler frags but... I guess its just mAus' aim what makes them look good
bullshit movie! i expected fucking sickuberamazingunique-frags, but this is just shit :|.
didnt seem that bad, though i havent watched it all the way through yet. Seemed to be a bit boring if anything, same sort of stuff over and over again. No drama etc...

Still think the best movie was that 141 decimated movie from back in the day :p
How I can delete my own comments? o_O
dumb ugly shit. get some muscles better.
Srsly I cant find any delete-button
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templar's movie was awesome though
What's up with the death animations.. looks pretty failure but where did he got it from?
its from the latest image-et version.

im also using it because it has some little features and is a bit faster.

but luckily a fragmovie is not about death animations only. :p
what about et-image 0.7 ? without that death animations
no thank you. :p

you know, after getting used to something i hardly want to change it... :( for example, i am using vegas 10 hd.
its utter shit because it crashes often and has a lot of bugs...but, i got used to it. :x
u just have to change 2 files.
i'm a very lazy fuck
where can i get the latest image version? it's been a while that i was in the movie scene of et. :)
i dont know, agon sent it to me. :o
well i dont know, i just watched it a bit.

is the quality really as bad as in the stream? or is it just because of the stream itself? :o
worst mAus movie ever imho
really boring shit, demo + mp3
Insulting another CF member... DELETE!
slarto, u make mAus' movie now :D
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