Nationscup @ 23:30

Why should a European Country, which is taking part in Nations Cup, suffer from time difference, in a European competition, just because Canada in this case cannot do it earlier.

We are forced to play @ 23:30, when we have all the players that need to wake-up early. I take if that this risk should have been taken by Canada and they knew what they are going in for.

We couldn't reschedule this weekend due to the fact that there was a small LAN taking place this weekend, and since the list of teams came out last week we couldn't just unsubscribe from the LAN.

Forcing matches sucks, especially at an advantage to a Foreign (yes Clanbase is European) team.

PS : I tried to contact Canadablazen but he wasn't here tonight, since I understand he was sleeping due to time difference, so I couldn't much fix the match.
Canada will probably get knocked out first week anyway so don't worry about it :p
I worry, coz due to this fact, Malta Malta will most probably have to play without some players, naming Toxic
blame canada!
No I blame CB - their rules should have been UP and state clearly that the times should be respectable to CET. Give me some Official Qualifier match that started 23:30 CET!!
I agree, but let just blame Canada.

We have blamed CB for to many things already :P
There not even a real country anyway
hmm, canada will take home the gold this year, trust me. done deal.
I think I've seen about 3-4 CB officials claiming that we will use european timezones. But now you're going away from that?

cmon cb :x lol.

if you wanna play at 23:30... play on a maltese server if you got ballz :D
Even more silly is to let brazil play and put denmark on the waiting list. :)
No! It will be fun watching/playing someone with 400 ping! I believe it's the definition of funny actually.
I completely agree. Denmark has always been supporting NC in Enemy Territory, by signing up.

Even though we have some bad statistics, we have kept up the appearences always :)
Blazen wasn't around all weekend :/
Can't u play @ friday evening/Estonianight?
matches have to be played before friday:S
If its ok to both sides, clanbase should agree to this date. It's not the football world cup, just the ET NC!
be happy. u only get rid of sleep - we were once forced by CB to play while we had to work cause kiddie-team pstarz had to play early cause they were teens
blame wesbo
Shit now I have to stay up till that late :D
Gij zijt 17 en gij blijft nie wakker tot 23.30 ?
Jawel, maar om half 12 beginnen met spelen is iet wat laat als je de volgende dag om half 7 op moet. Niet dat ik het zelf heel vervelend vind, maar m'n moeder houd er niet zo van als ik op comms praat terwijl zij probeert te slapen.
Aha, misverstand.
Tis nu 10 uur :) dats goed te doen.
Great :)

CB fixed time.

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