
he messed it up ... great fail :<

You have € 131 on TLR
Possible win: € 299.99
Tbh R0SS wasn't to blame, his team didn't move to his defence quick enough
Too chubby to carry gold and run. :(
what's really funny but
u shouldn't mock him now I am sure the man is pretty depressed.
first he just lost the game ,
he (luckily) won ec before , grew a superiority complex, thought he is true ec skill n stuff
made a statement we r confident it's gonna be 8-2
and... voila.. he got owned
I'm not mocking. Notice the ":(".
Squall owned.

image: Deal_with_it_dog_gif
how can so much bullshit come out of one mouth ... we3DiBoy, you must have been watching a different game.
I wasn't really sure about axis spawntime at the moment that ROSS was near with obj. but I think he would of got it covering himself near the wall and the boxes of the truck barrier.

He had the time but was heading pretty slow with that strafe.

instead of criticising him make an .avi so we can all see
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