facebook is down ?

wtf, facebook is down? don't belive it :( .
Pressing f5 like a madman
TLR mad and hacked it fo sho
retards changed profile to the "new profile" automaticaly
Manj crazy ddoser
looks like...but CF-pages are hardly loading aswell :/
they are just updating it, if you check mobile facebook you'll see the difference too.
not working :<
working , lol
have the same problem
its updating everybody's profiles to the new one. It should be ok now :P
not working and i had the new profile already
new profile is so ugly
ye shit init
Your problem is that you are using facebook.
Facebook is down, which makes it difficult for me to update my Facebook status to tell my friends that Facebook is down.
i like this *thumbs up*
Facebook down. Complaint surge crashes Twitter. Disenfranchised Twitteratti go to LinkedIn, OKCupid, Foursquare. Rocks fall; everybody dies.
facebook going down, even briefly, is the 1st sign of the apocolypse....next thing you know youll be fighting off zombies while youre going for milk.... mark my words.
Hey, my new friend, i love Zombie Slayer on facebook! :)
hahaha. coincedence baz my new buddy? i think not!
Down for me too. wtf you done now kamz m8:((((

new new facebook sucks and also the photos now show up in a new window -,-
i've quitted facebook 30 minutes ago. new profile is the biggest bullshit ever.
its online again..
ddos'd it
no its not. unfortunately
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