tonights game.

well, TLR lost, but it was a fucking great game of ET to watch. ETTV was going nuts on supply and GR. brilliant viewing tbh.

tosspot was , as always, a fucking legend. best shoutcaster ever.

unlucky to TLR, you know im a fanboy, and i think i should get my gbooky dollars back for taking abuse on ettv cos i was shouting for you :P

xylos owned, again.
milk <3
maus. afk? :P
sick shoutcasting and game.
I just loved tosspot. "...gotta gun and his name is mAus"
he really was on fire. lightnings korean nuke rifle made me lol as well...
yea that was cool! It's outstanding he allways has some nice jokes :D: bet he could easily shoutcast a premier league football match :D
one day....its coming.... although, it might have to be a spurs game.
there's no denying
Quotetosspot was , as always, a fucking legend. best shoutcaster ever.
and always will be :)

Quotexylos owned, again.
he was great as usual but i thought he played better in the last encounter.

Great to watch though and Toss is awesome, shame he dosent cast as much as he used to in the past :)
agreed. toss's shoutcasts make a match for me everytime. owzo's great, but toss will always be number 1 in my book. although i cant read books, so go figure huh.
yeah so true and owzo cracks me up with his shoutcasts, you make me laugh a lot also on ettv but i have to '/tvchat off' after a while with all the retarted comments from the majority ;)
amen brother.
Butt licker :D
its all sqzz's fault
It's all R0ss's fault.
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