Stats q.

Stuck @ a question and need to know how to do it for tomorrow =x

image: untitledex5

Normal distribution with mean -3 and standard deviation 4 to find the required values of x.
rofl wtf do we have 2 do?
find the probability, i think :( im so fuckered.
sorry can't help you on this one, I had 2 do same shit 2 years ago and I sucked @ it.
thanx anyway, i hope you passed :d
yes I pased my exams because there was only 1 question about it :> other and other wise I would still pass because I was allawed to score a 4 out of 10 to have a 6 as final mark ^^
what the fuck is this?
Ooh, I should know that, but I forgot all my stats. Sorry.

Laplace transforms I can do, double integrals I can do, statistics no.
P = normalcdf(a,b,c,d)

normalcdf(a,b,c,d) explained:

a = left border
b = right border
c = average (normal distribution)
d = standard deviation

use your calculator for this.
Integrate the probability density function from 2.88 to x, then find x in the resulting equation.
x = 6.6
S = 4
mu = -3
x1 = 3
x2 = 6.5
x2 > x1

for x1:

Z1 = (3 -(-3))/4 = 6/4 = 3/2 = 1.5

for x2:

Z2 = (6.5 -(-3))/4 = 9.5/4 = 2.375

P1 = 0.933
P2 = 0.9911~

P2 - P1 = 0.9911 - 0.933 = 0.0581

hope i didnt get anything wrong
since space on the graph = probability, removing P1 (stuff left of the smaller value) from P2 (stuff left from the higher value) makes sense

math ftw

(this is assuming you need the probability, which is probably what the question is asking u for..)
more math questions please!
Edit: are you some kind of pedofile math teacher with no life?
Crossfire 3.0
A Math Community
and the solution in excel: NORMINV(NORMDIST(2.88,-3,4,TRUE) + 0.0626,-3,4) = 6.603

i was tired, lets just say that :D
we love lagger :]
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