ESL Support = serious ?

Hello crossfire members,
after a long period of not playing ET at all i thought let's find some guys and play some wars, but that of course requires me to updated my guids at ESL which turned out to be more complicated than I thought.

here is what I did

I started Punkbuster, searched a server with this crap enabled and /condumped the guid... simple.
Then of course I tried to update the guid at ESL and got the error "invalid_id".

I was like "what the fuck copy&pasta never fails ?!" and after repeating everything I've had done so far I decided to ask the Support.

My first ticket was in german and the reply i got was to re-open the ticked in english because ET is only present in the international area/part of the ESL what so fucking ever.

Being pissed i used the google translator which ended up with the following...

I try my pb guid in mine, because of new hardware, new change, I get the message "invalid_id" ...

should be transferred error happened when no because I get the guid leave per /condump write a file and then copy & paste made more ...

my new ET PB GUID is


Thank you in advance Mockingbird

and the reply i got was

Cześć Mockingbird,

Please send this request to the department: Game Account.

nS., Admin rozgrywek

The questions which came to my mind after reading the 2nd reply were :

1.) Are those retarded Supports unable to help someone and keep redirecting People to other retards ?

2.) Where the fuck am I going to find the fucking department called Game Account ?

3.) Why the hell is my ET PB Guid invalid ?

Has anyone of you ever had trouble with the ESL supporters ?
How the fuck am I going to get my ET PB Guid registered ?

P.S. I am aware of the fact that my English ain't perfect but you should get my point and you may keep the typos.
Hope you are trolling m8,ESL and clanbase doesnt use punkbuster as anticheat anymore, we got SLAC now. (Speedlink Anticheat)
I know about SLAC and shit...
Last time I checked PB guid was still required even tho SLAC was released.
Gonna leave it as it is, thanks mate.

crossfire members > ESL Support
Hope you are trolling m8,ESL and clanbase doesnt use punkbuster as anticheat anymore, we got SLAC now. (Speedlink Anticheat)
Quote1.) Are those retarded Supports unable to help someone and keep redirecting People to other retards ?

2.) Where the fuck am I going to find the fucking department called Game Account ?

3.) Why the hell is my ET PB Guid invalid ?

1. Yes
2. No idea
3. have you heard of SLAC ? Well if not, you need it, even though it is a big fail...

Edit: just read your response above...
Use only the ETProguid and your SLAC guid,PB's shit anyway.
But btw since when the freaking hell do you have to download this peace of shit called UAC2 to proove ur the owner of a duplicate GUID on CB?????
Srsly the last time CB said my guid is used already,I just made screenshot and that's it.But now what is this shit?
Analschlacht has to be the best nick ever. :D
Welcome to reality
idd, gay everyone
try to copy the last 8 numbers from your PBguid.. that works for me^^
CF Members = serious?

You want to play ET in the ESL? You probably visited the ESL EU ET page already: Even if the site "may" be the worst one could ever create, this is where everyone ends up sooner or later.
Now, only one click away, linked in the absolutely obvious center of the screen, you find:
How to add my Gameaccount?
which directs you to a newspost that explains everything about which guids you need and how you add them properly.

Also, if you can not chose an according category on the support page, I can not really be sorry, if you do not get quality answers. Especially when the EU ET support link is also listed on that ESL EU ET mainpage.
Written in Font 5 on a Page which literally gives me eyecancer due to like 10 adverts flashing and some stupid Sign-up arrows flashing in red.
I don't say CB is better,no fucking way, I mean I have to relogin everytime I close the site. But CF got a nice structure,is easy to handle and therefore I wonder why the ESL and CB site are so overloaded and chaotic.

on a side note: WAS MEINE MUTTER?
CF is "just" a newssite with some journal-alike content you can comment on. Ofcourse it is a great page and the userbase is what matters here and there are some more functions (movies etc). But seriously :D do not compare it to a league page like that, with unbelievably more users and functions and pages.

Also, if one really looks into the structure that is behind the ESL and their national license partners etc, it suddenly makes sense to one.
The page and organisation is not just there for the little world of Enemy Territory, with few matches a day, but alot more. And for those the seemingly complicated page is actually bringing some structure into everydays business.
Do not agree.Too lazy to discuss.I wish you a nice day.Bibuy
:D I like this ending
but still putting this comment!
damn u got me ;(
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