CF coders

Who is responsible for coding on crossfire? I just saw that image: cf_p6yjn are back. Fuck yeah!

So whoever did it: May all the beautiful vaginas in the world be attracted to your dick!

image: 4812_58f4
image: 6229_d8a2_490
you are disqustin
it was i
» Your search term is too short. Please use at least 4 characters.
now just fix this crap
I told Krosan, who told adrenaline, that there was some javascript function before the swine crash that was still being called in body but not defined :P
need that 'j' (newest comment) 'k' (previous comment) function again :(
oh lol, I made a key bindings like that to scroll throughout the new comments? How clever I was back there ^^

Tbh I don't really remember how exactly did that work?
Trakos is responsible. Not even joking.
Thanks ;) I was merely the courier of an idea with a possible solution :)
It was some Croatian guy if I remember right (newsest updates)
great journal
Awesome... i hope all the other websites on the internet will also have this feature some day....
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