need ur help pls!

hi guys,

i want to install windows7 german and i hv got a win7 english key. is it possible to activate/install my german win7 with english key?
yes, it's possible
yep,musst nur nen englischen 64bit in der deutschen 64bit version eingeben
Or you could just download the German language pack and install it.
maybe translate key ?
It's possible but you would have to call Mircosofts customer support,
I've had quite a lot of trouble with that

And it's not possible to just download a language pack anymore, they realised that they could earn cash by removing that feature. Instead of just downloading and installing a language pack you have to call the customer support and tell them to change the language settings of the Key you are using which will cost you the call and the so called "Key Translating" fee which is the difference between the price of the OS in the country where the key is from and the price of the OS in a country the language you want to have is present.

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