Holiday in Finland

Hello Crossies!

Now Im back in FINLAND. Portugal was fun, but hey home is home. Though I had to sleep in Munch airport because of the nice weather and all the delayes/cancellations I got home. One thing that grids my gears is that im sick :(.

Now gonna play, play and play one more time.

Back in Porutgal in 2 weeks.
life, you don't have it.
Hyvää joulua Rim!
Quotegrids my gears
don't you mean grinds ?
might go to study in portugal for a year or so. Where were you in portugal? :p
Coimbra. City of Students :)=
Portugal is very nice, language is hard. You should go!
duesons are shit
oliksä se ku oli alottanu jonku joukkotappelun siel lentokentäl? :o)
En mie sellaisia :D otin rennosti lentokentän penkillä
älä selitä, siel on taas riitakeihäät lentäny :x
munch airport!
le lol
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