LavOd <3
19 Dec 2010, 22:43
He is such a nice assister.
E: Me, LavOd and Spie got rolled 3 times in a row.
E: Me, LavOd and Spie got rolled 3 times in a row.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
boots of swiftness *
phage / zeal ( choose order depending on the type of fights that are going on )
phantom dancer *
frozen mallet *
infinity edge *
banshee's veil *
bloodthirster *
* = finished item ( as you know )
this is the build i use most of the games in lol, it gives you survivability, great damage, and the constant slow of the frozen mallet, the banshee's is also great to avoid cc
sometimes i play differently though, depending on the enemy team
ik koop meestal die saphire voor extra mana en dan die recommended rod + sorcerers boots :p
blue sapphire + hp / mp potion
sorcerers boots*
rod of ages*
relais crystal scepter*
soul shroud ( cooldowns )*
zhonya's ring*
archangels staff / void staff* ( void als je tegen veel tanks staat )
didnt even watch which champ you took broseph
600-700 ap + passive effects like slow or magic pen > 800-900 ap