roughest day of my life

i didnt think throwing up at least 30 times in one day was possible but yesterday i reached those levels of throwing up skills, not to mention i projectile vomited all over my screen twice.

oh and my mum thought putting onions in a tea would make me better, well she was wrong as the smell made me threw up once again!

now im building up enough energy to get ready for work, great!
Get well like a man, ignore the sickness until it goes away.
onions in a tea :o (never heard of)
gl at work :)
i eat peti bar in my tea :~>
neither had i, but you know whats its like with parents and oldschool remedies (she said my nan used to do it to me when i was a kid and i used to love it =D)
haha , ye i know what u mean :))
congac + lemon + honey! :D
alcohol is not a solution, at least not when u r sick and puking :D
(its like whatever u would eat/drink makes u throw up - i think its what he meant)
i'll go for a some lemon and a teaspoon of honey though :)
omg u switched me with nebu^^

thx for telling me now :PPp
ye but i don't use a lot of alcohol :o
bonjour copain matan mayonaise
bonjour mon ami de dijon
don't be such a sissy
throw up 30 times in one day and see how you feel bud ;)
why arent you in bed if you feel so terible, own fault u needed to clean ur screen twice.
baggiez is gonna give you so much shit for this
baggiez trys to give me shit for everything, probs lacking a social life
Shouldn't be staring at a screen if you feel like like.
lern egnlgish
drink your own pee
i maked poopoo 16 times
Smoke a joint
there was no way i would smoke a spliff the way i was feeling, smoking a fag was hard enough.
damn I love that word spliff. fucking awesome word. in cro for spliff we say "pljuga"
damn i see demons
was same shit for me too last week...
throwed up like 20times while took a 10min shower...:D
hope u will be better :)
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