Akali pwnage!

If you want any advice from the ub3rpr0 Chargie, just pm me @ #LoL.et

image: akali

I can 20-0 stats against lowlevels/noobs without buying items , the moment you start playing against better teams you will get rolled, and that will have nothing to do with how good you are, you will get rolled just because you keep stacking them zhonya's
When will you start streaming?
I only stream when we are a 5v5 premade and when we play serious, no one wants to see me playing randomlolchampionx for the first time ^^
you so mad he kevin
I'm not mad at all, it's just hilarious to see you thinking you're a good player while you are buying items only a mentally challenged mongoloid would buy.
recommendations voor items twisted fate (kaart gooier) :-p?
gewoon niet mee spelen, kutchar
lol wa is daar mis mee? die is best goed :-s

welke characters raadde gij dan aan mss? ne melee only gij? :p
nee helemaal nie, ik houd van twisted fate, speel er fucking graag mee, maar hij is bijna nooit nuttig :(

en heroes die games winnen voor hun team zijn de support classes, iedere nuke / dps hero kan quadrakills halen als hij gefeed is maar hij moet een support hebben

dus, ik speel heel graag morgana ( neem soul shroud, aegis of legeon, will of the ancients, heb je 3 auras, best veel AP en kleine cooldowns + lekkere survivability, de andere items kies je naar keus, maar zijn best wel AP items met defensive abilities zoals de rylais crystal scepter en de rod of ages ),
nah ja op dit moment speel ik nog niet echt pro pro en speel ik gwn wat ik graag speel en daar hoort twisted fate nu eenmaal bij :p

Zijn er nog zon deftige supporter zoals morgana dan? dacht aan janna
ure absolute right m8! im balu btw
Rofl, pro stats? You suck! Going for a 2nd zonhyas ring? wtf??? You mad??
wow played versus 2 people that fed 13+6 times without getting a kill, even adi would get those stats with tristana image: hurr
You mad bro?
Cant understand shit seems like a game for nerds.
this game is not even 1/5 of what HoN is. noobcakes all over.
tried once, see what happend
image: bpfadahbr3b24noyp
and i had one teammate disconnecting on lvl2 and an annie feeding the opps like 0-15. np4me

try to win a HoN before talking...
Easy, been there done that.
isnt that exactly what i said?
@ HoN yes.
congratulations, you played against retards
What did you expect if you played HoN for so long and then play a match on a level ~1/2/3 @ LoL, you'll get noob opponents.
im palying HoN since last halloween so by no means thaaaat long (and ive never played dota or such). also i dont know the heroes of LoL. and the gameplay is different (short lanes, lame summoner spells, no CD and item slot on homeport, tower not attacking you if you (but no creep) atatck it, many many more things that make the game just lowshit).
so i didnt expect to be able and come there and roll shit. and afterall i wasnt the one to make a journal about it. just contributing to the "lol not journal worthy, u suck" atmosphere in this threat.

free champs this week:

Anivia Mage
Annie Mage
Blitzcrank Tank
Gangplank Melee DPS
Jax Melee DPS
Kayle Support
Morgana Support
Sion Tank
Sivir Ranged DPS
Miss Fortune Ranged DPS

so you played atleast 1350 IP worth of games to get tryndamere .
1 day worth of LoL.
with ip boosts np
get lvl 30
lol not in this game for noobcakes. ill focus my dota-clone-gaming on HoN, its simply way better.
u play with/vs noobs

Nice stats bro. You are awful.
nice, 32 creep kills, 2 zhonyas and some crap boots for akali.
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