ipad owners

I just got an ipad today for free :) I don't really know what to really do with it so can you tell me some cool stuff that it does, or that i should get on it.

Thanks in advanced
hit people with it.
Sell it.
Do itouch stuff faster and bigger.
i have for free Iphone, Ipod and my brother recently got for free an ipad traded it for a notebook instead, they suck just an oversized ipod....plus doesn't support everything just go read reviews on cnet or something...
use it for college, easy for wordpad-like stuff, web browsing, agenda, shit like that
sell it and buy something more useful. Like a pair of socks.
The iPad: Because the iPhone was too small for other people to notice you.
best thing to do with it:

sell it and use the money for something cooler
who would buy it?
Some girls :D
Is it a fox or a panda
never heard of a racoon have you?
metal fags in different reality.
I never saw a red raccoon in my life, and it looked more like a fox at the first sight to me. I never saw a red panda either, but the image URL suggests it's a panda.
because asians cant help but to breed every pet till it looks like in their stupid comic books.
As self-righteous as you are, these pandas are found native to the Himalayas; you should check your facts.
never claimed to provide facts. dunt care about fauna in himalaya, thx anyways.
Just responding to your claim that they're "bred".
wouldnt have surprised me if they were.
Why does he wear plastic gloves?
To prevent damage to the panda's fur.
most useless toy ever
send it to me, i wanna touch it
Piss on it and set it on fire.
its a very big ipod. you cant really do anything with it.
Sell it.
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