now christams can begin:))

finally uni exams are over and now I can finally say HOLIDAYS.

so what i plan for christmas? Be drunk every day, eat a lot and just do nothing:)

what are your plans

couldn't find a better pic of pechenka:/

image: pecenka_small
i love christams
ye, its a magical time
now gaming can begin:))
?? you're already 24/7 on the computer, even at your dads work you're watching anime while selling zeeman cloths
where you at now, aah i see browsing crossfire on your work and you're ready forums on the legend of martial arts site how to play. you have a life mate wanna be like you someday.
hahahahaha atleast i dont get molested once i get home hahahaha nor do i have to pay my mother else she can't buy her drugs hahaha D::Dd;D:D:D;dD
hahahahha <33333333333
He hasn't been asnwering radio. "I was masturbating". "For 5 hours?". "Yes, I had to use a picture of Papii for it". "Roger that".

Should be quite accurate.
Pilot: "I've just rammed 3 Boeings, 1 Airbus and 5 Jumbos. Is your radar defect? Over!"
Flight controller: "I've just been masturbating."
Pilot: "For 5 hours?"
Flight controller: "On a photo of Piet Huysentruyt."
Pilot: "Roger that."

image: piet-huysentruyt
Piet Huysentruyt.
How is the pilot capable of crashing all those planes without going down?
watch tons of christmas films and think about people less fortunate than i
I see now why you chose that nickname.
you dont really...... but anyways i will probably just skip the thinking about less fortunate people and head on to eat loads of chocolate
That's my boy!
Pechenka top shit!

Do nothing, and stuff.
hey fu don't insult pechenka. i'm sorry for ur lack of good taste
it was meant in a good way.......... TOP SHIT. GOOD SHIT.
i'll eat some peaches
millions of peaches
hahaha I wish I could eat a nice juicy peach and just die of pleasure:D
having some nice days with my family.
so ur having a white christmas?
whepee hurray 4 more days and i have to go back to army.. all i'm going to do is relax, eat, and get wasted @ saturday's parties
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