Win7 refres rate lock.

My monitor should be able to pull of 120hz @ 1024x768 but under Windows 7 I can't set the refresh rate over 85Hz.
I have been reading forums all day, but I couldn't find any solution.
Mztik recommanded me to use this "Power Strip" program, I made my own display settings, forcing the refreshrate on 120hz, saved the profile and loaded it, but it doesn't work. Doesn't look like 120Hz at all. Using r_swapinterval 1 says 75 hz, which is correct I think.(When I had XP running 120hz it said 120)
I also tried to override my refreshrate with rivatuner, didn't work.
I have the newest display drivers, etc.
Any solutions?
[center]edit: Got it, r_mode -1.[/center]
Drivers->manage custom resolutions-> allow modes not supported my monitor -> make ur own resolution ?
There is no such option in Ati drivers.

set refreshrate to desired number in desired resolution

r_displayrefresh 120 (if thats what you want) in config

If that doesnt work then I cant help you
powerstrip rox
win7 gives me 85hz max X:D
I tried, I set it to 120Hz, but nothing happens, looks like my monitor restarting itself but it doesn't give me 120hz.
Got it. Fuck yeah :)
I had to use r_mode -1; and set custom h&w to 1024, 768.
Thanks :)
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