ESL added 2o2 Haxball!

Today I asked the ESL-Admins to add a 2o2 haxball ladder and they reacted very fast...

because there it is, everyone should be satisified now... because theres really no need for 4o4 ladders, its just a mess :D

also i applied for an admin spot at ESL... never thought id do that ;)
wery well
was excited about being the first one in Haxball ladders, but then...
Registration begins: 12/24/10 01:00
well done my friend!

image: go_fuck_yourself
ESL , they always need new member from other side of country.
t'es folle!! c'est super poilant haxball!
link to esl haxball?
toll ich kann erst nächsten Monat joinen da die esl unfähig ist und ich einen Monat gesperrt bin :/
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