Spain: Shame on you!

Some of you, almost exclusively Germans, may remember the police brutality against Dortmund fans two weeks ago in Sevilla. Borussia Dortmund and their fan associations are still collecting eyewitness reports, videos etc. and will 100% file a complaint at UEFA and go to Spanish cours since it was the third massive case of police brutality without any reason against international fans in Sevilla within 3 years.

At our research by we found some quite interesting fact: almost every big police brutality against international fans in the last years has happened in Spain. Fans from Tottenham, Rangers, Munich, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Schalke, Bolton, Marseille are just an example of victims by Spanish police. I just can quote from a complaint by Bolton:

"The club's fans were subjected to a number of assaults and unprovoked baton charges before, during and after the game, in addition to the aggressive use of police horses to manoeuvre fans towards the stadium..."

Kettling and running with horses through the masses where also one of the delicts by Spanish police two weeks ago...But I do not want to go in detail. Everyone who is interested in was has happened before and especially after the match should read the articles on German pages. But believe me, you will ask yourself: How can something like this happen in a country which should act to human rights?

My question now: Do you know other big cases of police brutality in Spain and why does this mostly happen in Spain?

btw: I've read enough eyewitness reports and seen a lot of videos and I am still shocked. From 13 to 67 year old persons or German police officers /who went to Spain to support local police) to employees of German tv station SAT1...the list of victims cannot be reduced to the favorite media "ultras" or "hooligans"...
i tHiNk iT'S TOo loNg
what u expect down there.. sevilla... those are closer to be monkeys rather than humans
summarize it and i might read it
tl;dr but spain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> germany
all > GERMany, and russofeels...
football is not everything. for me they can win every football match of the world but as long as they cannot act like as free and friendly hosts they do not deserve anything (includes the money from Germany / EU for their miserable politics/financial power)
dont care.
i think you picked the wrong audience to be honest
because the supporters from all around europe are too agressive for spanish standards.
there is high standard of behaviour in spain, and when supporters from other countries come to spain, spaniards think of their behaviour as offensive and so police comes into action.
too aggressive? i think you didn't get the point. the only ones who where too aggressive was the spanish police.

and nobody should call it a mistake that spain doesn't know away support by thousands of fans as english or german teams are well-known for.
Cmon, the times of Francisco Franco or Manuel Fraga are long gone. The Police dont simply start to kick people without a reason. They have surely REACTED on supporters behaviour. And if that happens regularly, then I suggest these supporters should change the way they are behaving to fit Spanish standards.
sorry, i never said anything about franco or anyone else. i know this is part of your history aswell as ww1 and ww2 are part of our history. we have to live with it, but this does not reflect our current situation at any point.

spanish standards? this is quite easy for you to say. but how do you define "standards"? i think you are not familiar with the whole situation and should say nothing more..

another question: dortmund has one of the best away-support in germany. we had this year more than 10k bvb fans in paris, bochum, hannover, cologne, hamburg, frankfurt and how they all are called. there have never been any big problems with police or security at stadium. but when 4000-5000 fans spent a lot of money to fly to sevilla they suddenly have nothing more to do than breaking all spanish rules and becoming one of the most aggressive fans europe have ever seen? this makes no sense at all...

or: do you remember the incident in lwiw? about 2,000 bvb fans went to ukraine and where even more friendly as the local police has expected in their best scenario (as they told afterwards). but there was a group of ~500-1,000 lwiw fans who tried to attack them. the police had to "fight back" to prevent the ukraine fans to attack the guests. (everyone who has seen this should think about going to next ec in ukraine. while police in our countries uses police batons, pepper sprays and so on when it is needed, the police there finds it normal to use guns...but this is another point)

however, the german police at the rematch in dortmund was alarmed. i know two police men of a police group of a hundred (i don't know how this special police forces are really called in english). but at this match we had 5 of this special police units in dortmund - something you only see when it is derby-time against schalke or other big matches. you just knew there were avi, but you did not really see them. i met some ukraine fans at the christmas market before and also at the stadium afterwards, but i never saw any big police groups intervening. in the end there was no problem and everything was friendly and really nice.

de-escalation is a quite important point for german police and compared to what i have read about your country i am very happy to live you could see 2006: germany welcomes everyone and you are able to celebrate good football matches/parties! :)

gn8 ;-)
ask m1st3r :D
i talked to him already about his nice country :P
Spanish annoyed coz they gotta pick da oranges!
haha,trolled hard :d
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