3vs3 N(oob)Cup

Just wanted to say gg to this awesome admin who is Nickje.
Rules are rules, no reschedule allowed and forfeit win it' better.
Great game, great cup, great admin... nice joke

Wanted to play it before but opponent weren't available, but now when one is stuck on the road, the other killed his HD and one other is taveling with the school it's our fault ?


ps: Thanks to player who was ok to play it an other day ;) Hope you'll play well in this N(oob)Cup
Yo PhiL! np 4 u
Hey we had to forfeit too coz we can't play on christmas:<
Nickje can't handle admining ODC, what did you expect. next time try to talk with Homer, he doesn't like rescheduling either but he's moar reasonable
I try but he's away :(
well it's almost xmas, some people are busy ;)
you don't even know what it was about noobtroller.
I was following Homer's rule about not rescheduling.
I'm the one who wants the games to be played, not vice versa.
on the side note, in this cup only like Poland and Netherlands had real qualis so it should be no problems for a team to play a game bit later
and why are you telling me stuff i already know?
because you still think you're doing a good job which is sad
all you do is assume, couldn't care less what a pathetic ulgy polish nerd thinks of me.
You are the sad one here, but you're too fed up with yourself to notice because the internet is all what you've got.
PhiL president !
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