COD3 on PC

Whats up with the news that it aint coming to PC platform? :S

Are they out of thier minds or did tey just create a random game that just cant deliver any quality and they try to hide it by just publishing it on Xbox and PS(P)2?


And FUCK all you new school xfire kids with random flags and random images! Old school kicks your ass any time a week, you nabs. Go whine now plz.
will probably suck anyway, milked it to the max with 2 already
all current CoD(2) tournaments are on PC right? in fact most mp action is on PC? in that case they are failing there fans and only thinking about quick gain.
cod4 is pc/console, cod3 is console only atm
good thing, otherwise it would have been +1 year for pb again
rumors are around that cod4 will be massive 50 man publics modern war settings with planes and tanks so now i can hope rtcw2 will come out anytime :<
cod 4 will be for PC but like voo said its been milked so much allready
I was gonna say something, but then I realized that your UID is lower than mine. Fuck.

OT: Agree with milked to the max.
the trailers of the PS3 look like none of our pc´s is good enough for that game :)
consoles > pc

i finished cod3 for 360 at the weekend and the single player is glitchy and nowhere near as good as cod2.

However ive read that multiplayer has classes like RTCW/ET with medics and field ops and stuff.
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